That’s how it works. Right?

I always keep my slate clean. I’m always polite and hardworking. I always smile. I’m the funny one, the shoulder everyone can lean on.

That has to count for something, right?

Josh started this thing where he calls me his shooting star. Riley-Star. It caught on in the family. They always joke around and pretend to make wishes on me. I shine so bright. I’m the heart of the family … everyone’s little girl. But every star has to burn out some time.

Life has a way of teaching us lessons.

Karma, now there’s a peculiar thing. I never knew how selfish I was until my life was ripped away from me.

Me. Me. Me.

It was all about me.

Chapter One


My eyes scan the crowd around me for Josh. I haven’t seen him in so long that a nervous eagerness pulses through me.

When they finally lock on my brother, I let out a squeal of excitement. I break out into a sprint, swerving through all the people crowding the airport.

“Josh!” I shriek with happiness. I jump the last distance between us, throwing my whole body at him.

His laughter bursts over my head and then his arms wrap tightly around me.

“Riley-Star,” he whispers and it makes my heart glow with warmth. His voice is hoarse, overflowing with love. His arms tighten around me just as a sob escapes my lips. I’m so happy to see my big brother. It’s been way too long.

“I missed you so much,” I whisper, my voice thick with the overwhelming happiness coursing through my veins.

“I missed you more,” he says, setting me down on my feet. His eyes sweep over me and then he shakes his head in wonder. “Did you actually get taller?”

He looks different from when I last saw him. His hair is cut really short, even shorter than when he used to serve in the army. There’s a harsh look to his once kind features. I stand on my toes and manage to look Josh right in the eye. The gentleness quickly creeps back into his dark green eyes, the same color as mine, and it makes me smile.

“Yeah, one of these days you’ll be looking up at me.” I can’t keep the laughter from bursting over my lips.

“In your dreams, little sister.” He takes my bags from me and swings one over his shoulder. “Let’s get you home. Mom and Dad can’t wait to see you. Logan even took off from work today.”

My smile widens, hearing that the whole family is getting together today.

“I can’t stay long.” Josh bursts my happy bubble. The smile drops from my face which quickly makes him explain. “We’re busy. Griffin’s covering for me so I could come and get you.”

“How’s Griffin?” I ask.

I haven’t met Griffin face to face yet, but I’ve exchanged a few emails with him. We started writing to each other back when he was serving with Josh. Out of all the men that were on Josh’s team, Griffin is the only one I still write to every once in a while.

After Josh retired from the army, he joined Griffin’s security company. I’m not sure what they do. Josh once sa

id they take on jobs that no one else wants. I hate that Josh risks his life on a daily basis but I understand that working in the security business makes him happy.

“Griffin’s good. Stubborn as always, but good.” He smiles down at me. “Hopefully you’ll get to meet him and the rest of the team soon. You’ll love them.”

“It would be great to finally put faces to the names I keep hearing about, and to see who you spend all your time with.”

On the way home, Josh fills me in on what I’ve missed out on since his last email. “Logan got a promotion. He worked his ass off for it.”

“Yeah, he got the brains and you got the beauty … tsk, what does that leave me with?” I say jokingly.