
The second Rhett gets home I show him the message.

“What does she mean by I fucked her over?” I know he’s not talking to me, but the second he says the words out loud I think of something.

“Rhett, did you have sex with her?” I hate asking my brother that question, not wanting to know anything about his sex life.

“How the fuck should I know,” he snaps as he scowls at me. “I can’t remember half the women I’ve been with.”

“Totally oversharing right there,” I say, pulling a mock horrified face. “Do you think Marcus still has the screw crew list?”

I hate that they have a list. Even though I want to know if Josie’s name is on Rhett’s list, I still hope that he’ll tell me they’ve thrown it away.

“How do you know about the list?” Rhett asks, surprise flickering in his eyes.

“I hate to disappoint you, brother, but it wasn’t exactly a state secret.”

“Marcus has the list,” he says, not looking happy that I know about their deep, dark secret.

“Ask him to send you the list and check if Josie’s name is on it. That will explain a lot.”

“You think she became friends with you to get back at me?”

“Crazier things have happened when it comes to you and your friends. I hate to think that she used me, but it would explain her recent behavior. I hope I’m wrong though.”

Marcus just emailed Rhett the list, and I watch his face for any signs as he reads over it. He frowns and I can’t keep quiet anymore.

“What? Is she on the list or not?”

He leans forward looking really confused. “Carter screwed her,” he says, but I can see his eyes are still skimming the page, then he says, “Fuck, Marcus did as well.” The confusion quickly gives way to anger. “How the fuck did she get it right to fuck us all? We have a rule that none of us bangs the same chick.”

“Eww…” I’m going to gag thinking that they all practically shared Josie.

“Wait. What?”

My whole body jerks when I realize he said ‘all’.

“What do you mean all of you?”

I get up, and rush to stand behind him. The list of names is sickening to see, and for the first time in my life, I’m disappointed in Rhett. My eyes fly over the all the names listed under Carter, then Rhett, then Marcus, then Jaxson. My heart sinks painfully like a stone when I see the list beneath Logan’s name. It’s not as long as the other’s but it’s more than I can count on one hand, and one of the names is Josie.

I don’t realize I’m crying until I feel Rhett’s hand on my cheek. I jerk away from him, not wanting him to touch me.

“How could you? Those are actual people, Rhett! They are women with feelings. How could you be with so many?”

I grab my phone and turn my back to Rhett, quickly typing out a message to Josie.

Mia: Did you befriend me to get back at the guys because they all slept with you?

It’s a bold question but one I deserve an answer to.

I watch as one tick appears next to the message, showing it’s been delivered, then a second tick indicating that she’s reading it. Little bubbles start to dance over the screen, as she replies.

You actually thought I was your friend? How fucking gullible of you. You’re their untouchable little princess. The only woman worth something to them. PS. I paid Connor to sleep with you. Now you know how I felt. I stole your phone so you would know what it’s like when they throw you away like yesterday’s trash. It hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?

I cover my mouth to keep the cry in. Rhett grabs my phone from me and reads the message. His face pales and when he looks at me, I can only shake my head.

I have no words for the disappointment I feel. I feel used and dirty, knowing Connor took my virginity because Josie paid him to.