I dial Mia’s number, excited that I have an excuse to see her.


“You haven’t changed our numbers yet, have you?” I say. “It’s Logan.”

“Uhm … I forgot to get them from Rhett, and he’s been busy, so I didn’t want t

o bother him. I would’ve gotten them whenever I met up with you guys again.”

I can hear as she walks into a building, the music coming clearly over the line.

“Where are you?” I ask, more out of curiosity than anything else.

“At my gym. I take … uhm … zumba and yoga classes. Hold on for me quickly.” I listen to her greet someone in the background. “Hey, Beth. Which room can I use?”

“Grab number four. The others are already occupied. Oh, work on your posture tonight. I’m starting the next level with you tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I hear a door close. “Logan?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“Sorry about that. Did you need something?”

Oh yes, the reason for my call.

“I’ve got new documents for you to sign. When can we meet?”

“How about after gym? I have an hour before I have to be at work.”

“Which gym? I’ll meet you there.”

“Sultry Dance Studio,” she rattles off. I have to admit it doesn’t sound like any gym I’ve ever been to.

“Great, I’ll meet you there.”

When we end the call, I grin excitedly. Grabbing the folder with Mia’s documents in, I leave the office and drive over to where the studio is.

I have to drive a block over before I find an open spot. I leave the folder in the car and walk the short distance.

When I go inside, I rethink my idea of coming. It’s clearly not the average gym.

“Can I help you?” A petite blonde smiles at me from reception.

“No, I’m just here to pick up a friend. Where would I find the rooms?” I sound like a complete idiot, but luckily she takes pity on me.

“You might want to check upstairs, that’s where the classes are.”


When I get upstairs, I’m a bit confused until I see that the doors are numbered. I walk to number four and softly open it, just in case it’s the wrong room. The last thing I want is to face an entire room full of pissed off females because I walked in on something no man wants to see.

I’m relieved to find the room empty, well mostly. There are poles throughout the room, and a familiar song is playing. I see Mia in the corner right by the mirrors which span over most of the wall.

She’s sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up and as the song counts off one-two-three, her body pulses with the beat.

Instantly, I’m hypnotized by Mia. I close the door and lean against it, hoping she doesn’t notice me standing here like a creep.

When the chorus starts to Chandelier she pulls herself up on the pole, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her hair is wild around her while she has one leg wrapped around the pole, and the other is stretched out. The rest of her is curled in towards the leg that’s wrapped around the pole. The move looks intense, as if it’s loaded with every emotion the song wants you to feel.