“I’ll call Pastor Bowen and tell the guys,” Logan says, leaving me alone with Marcus.

I want to hug him, but I’m scared I’ll hurt him. It’s terrifying how fragile he looks. The poison is eating away at him right in front of our eyes. I don’t think there’s a word for how it feels, watching such a beautiful, vibrant man being reduced to a shell of his former self.

“Come here,” he whispers, weakly reaching for me with one arm.

I sit down on the side of the bed and hug him as best as I can.

“I don’t want you to go,” I sob. “I thought if I hoped hard enough you’d get better. I can’t say goodbye to you.”

“Then don’t,” he whispers. “Just because this body will die, it doesn’t mean I’m gone, Mia. It’s just a body. I’ll move on to wherever it is we go after this life, and I’ll drive whoever’s there crazy until you all join me.”

“Do you think you’ll hear me if I talk to you?”

“I hope so. I really hope so.”


I look at my reflection in the mirror. Willow and Leigh helped me to get ready.

Della comes into the restroom with Jamie and Danny right behind her. She hugs me and gives a proud smile.

“You look stunning, Mia.”

She greets Willow and Leigh, and as I smooth the dress out over my middle, Danny says, “You look like a real princess.”

The awe on her face is the biggest compliment I’ve ever been given.

When we’re all ready, the girls leave to go and join the guys. When I step out of the restroom, Rhett’s waiting for me. He pushes himself away from where he was leaning against the wall and his eyes start at my feet, until he reaches my face.

“I wish Mom and Dad could see you right now. The woman you’ve become would make them so proud.”

I start to wave my hand in front of my face. “You’re gonna make me cry.”

He takes my hand and clears his throat.

“I never thought about this day. I never thought a day would come where I’ll have to give you away to another man. Some part of me still thought Dad would be the one to do that. I tried to think what Dad would’ve said to you if he was standing here right now.”

He presses a kiss to my forehead, and when he pulls back, he says, “You’ll always be my little sister. I’ll always do my best to fight any monsters you might have. But I promise you, Mia, when you have cravings in the middle of the night because you’re pregnant, I won’t answer the phone. That’s Logan’s job.”

I start to laugh, and it makes him smile.

“But I’ll be available to babysit my nieces and nephews any time.”

“Uncle Ledge,” Danny calls from down the hallway. “Why are you talking so long? My legs are tired from waiting. Uncle Logie started biting his nails. Daddy says if you don’t get your behind in here now, that he’s coming to fetch you.”

“Well, you heard her. Let’s get this show on the road.”

As I hook my arm through Rhett’s, I take deep breaths, letting him walk me down the hall. When we walk into the room, I’m surprised at all the flowers, and that the guys made an effort to make it look pretty. Marcus is leaning heavily against all the pillows they propped behind his back, so he can sit upright.

“Who gives this woman away,” Pastor Bowen gets right to it.

I start to blink like crazy when Rhett says, “I do.” He takes my hand and places it in Logan’s.

When I look into Logan’s eyes, everything fades. I only hear his words, and I only see the love he feels for me.

We exchange rings I didn’t even know we had, wh

en we say our vows.