“There has to be something we can do,” Carter says the same word we’ve all said at some point.

I shake my head.

“What have you tried?” Rhett asks. He gets up and starts to pace. “Have you checked with every single doctor?”

“Jax has spoken to anyone who would listen.”

“Did you try buying a fucking heart in Mexico,” he snaps.

“Jax is busy with that right now,” I say calmly, as if we’re not talking about breaking the law.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” Carter asks. When he stands up, I get up as well. The tension is thick in the air. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” He looks right at me.

“It wasn’t my place.”

“Wasn’t your place?” he repeats my words. “He’s our fucking brother! It was exactly your place. How the fuck do you think my father survived all those heart attacks? Did you for one moment stop to think that I might know a fucking doctor who could help Marcus?”

Shit, I didn’t.

“Right,” Carter snaps, as he stalks out already dialing someone’s number.

“I didn’t think,” I whisper to myself.

Rhett places his hand on my shoulder. “He’s upset. Don’t let it get to you. I would’ve done the same thing.”

I can just nod as Mia pulls me into her arms.

Chapter 19


We’re still waiting for someone to come tell us what’s going on. I’m sitting between Logan and Jaxson, holding both their hands.

Willow comes rushing in with another woman, and I feel Jaxson stiffen next to me.

“Where’s Carter,” the other girls asks.

“Hey,” Carter says, taking hold of her arm. I didn’t even see him come in. “I spoke to Dr. Barnard. Thanks for giving me Dr. Bokeria’s number. They’re going to have a live conference now. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

He leaves again, and we’re back to waiting. Jaxson gets up and follows Carter out of the room. I hope he can find something out.

Hours later, Jaxson and Carter walk back into the room. They both look like they’ve been to war. Worry lines make them look years older.

Jaxson looks at Logan and me. “Marcus wants to see you. He’s down the hall, room 413.”

Shit, it’s bad. I don’t know if I can walk in there and say goodbye.

Logan pulls me up and placing his arm around me, we walk down the hall. It feels long and empty, as if we’re walking on the shards of broken hearts and lost dreams.

The second we walk into the room, my eyes search for Marcus. I pull free from Logan and rush to the side of the bed, taking in all the tubes and sounds coming from the monitors.

“Thanks for coming,” Marcus whispers. It looks like the bed is trying to swallow him whole. “I want to ask you a huge favor.”

“Anything,” we both say at the same time.

“I know you wanted a wedding in a church. I really want to be there before I die. Will you get married here, in this room?”

I’m already nodding, before he’s even finished talking. I’d do anything for Marcus.