Troubles don’t cross your path so you have a reason to pity yourself, blame the world, and become bitter. Troubles are opportunities to learn, to grow stronger, and to move on to the next stage of your life.

Logan is the next stage of my life.


It’s the beginning of a new week and also my first day at Indie Ink. Sitting in the car next to Rhett, I can’t keep my leg from jumping up and down.

“Don’t be nervous,” Rhett says, as he turns into the parking area.

“Easy for you to say. What if the people don’t like me? What if they think I only got the job because you’re my brother?”

He parks his BMW in a reserved spot before turning to me. “First of all, you shouldn’t care what people think. Secondly, you got the job because you own shares in Indie Ink. You don’t need to work, but seeing as you have no idea what you want to do, I suggested the reception position. When you’re ready to step up, we can all sit together and decide which department you’ll be able to work with.”

“What? Like run a department?”

“Yeah, don’t you want to?”

“Hell no. I’m happy with being on reception. I don’t want to be responsible for people.”

“Then be on reception. My point is that you’re one of the bosses, no one will fuck with you.”

I scrunch my nose, not liking being called a boss. I’m so not leader material. I’m more of a nurturing soul and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

“Let’s go,” Rhett says, getting out of the car.

When we walk around the corner, I come to a sudden stop, but Rhett keeps on walking. I watch him take his place next to Carter, and it feels like I swallowed a watermelon. The guys are all lined up, just like they did my first year of high school and the night of my prom.

Already knowing the drill, I walk closer, thankful there’s no one here to witness this emotional moment. I’m most likely going to end up ugly crying and ruining my make-up. It’s not a pretty sight, but I won’t give it up for the world.

I stop in front of Rhett and scowl up at him, but I can’t keep the smile off my face for long.

“I’m proud of you, Mia,” he says, and instantly I feel the sting of tears behind my eyes, but swallow them back, knowing there are four more guys waiting for their turn. “You’re so much stronger than I will ever be. I’m lucky to have a little sister like you to look up to.”

Oh shit, that’s all it takes to set off the waterworks.

“Thanks for ruining my make up,” I tease, as I press a kiss to his cheek and hug him. “You’ll always be my hero,” I whisper in his ear, so the others can’t hear.

I let go and take a step over to Carter. The smooth move makes him smile.

“When you started your senior year, Dad sat me down and told me I should always look out for my sister. You were a daughter to him. I’ve done a shitty job of looking out for you, but I promise that if anyone ever fucks with you again, I’ll obliterate them from this planet.”

I press a kiss to Carter’s cheek and hug him. “I love you, Carter.” His arms tighten around me, and only then I realize how much he needed to hear those words from me. We never were the kind to talk about our emotions. Actions were what matter most, and they still are.

I slide over to Marcus, and he immediately pulls me into a hug.

“I’m sorry, Mia.” His words sound like they carry the weight of the world.

I’m surprised by how emotional he is. Marcus has never been the emotional one in the group. He was actually the ruthless one, cold and callous.

“The few days I still have left on this planet, I’ll spend making it up to you.”

Shocked, I want to draw back and ask what he means, but he holds me tighter. “Only you know. I’ll talk to you later.”

I can’t bring myself to let him go. I hug him with every bit of strength I have, and whisper, “I love you. I love you. I love you. You’ll tell me later, and we’ll fix whatever’s wrong.”

He lets me go and walks away. It kills me to let him go. I have no idea what’s going on with him. Worry gnaws at my insides. I’ll go to his office during my lunch hour and find out what’s wrong.

I ignore the looks from the others, who must be wondering what’s going on as I step over to Jaxson.