Page 26 of Peyton



3 months later

“It is with great pleasure that I announce the re-opening of J & B Books,” the mayor declared.

I kept the name. J & B was as much an institution as Catherine’s Sweet Treats. Ownership changed hands, but the memories and feelings associated with the old bookstore remained.

“We are very proud of you, Chloe.” Peyton’s parents hugged me. They embraced my relationship with Peyton, and I’d felt more at home with them than I did with my own parents. Peyton warned me about the PDA, but until I witnessed it, I scoffed at his exaggerations.

He was not exaggerating. It was a miracle they merely had five children. Although Peyton was Aleksander’s son through adoption. But still, they were like rabbits in heat.


I laughed at Peyton when he suggested we try to outdo them. Give them a taste of their own medicine. That lasted one day before Peyton realized it was futile. What Haley and Aleksander had could not be forced or faked. I loved Peyton, but I also loved showing him in the privacy of our home.

Yes, our home. I knew what I wanted. And that was to spend the rest of my life with the boy who turned my world upside down. I asked Peyton to move in with me and he accepted. Although to be honest, he already spent the majority of his time at my place anyway. In hindsight, he had slowly moved his things into my cottage right under my nose. Therefore there wasn’t much to pack when the time came.

I turned the upper level of the bookstore into a book lover’s oasis. The customers could order coffee or a thick creamy milkshake. Then relax on the comfortable sofas. My wish was to enhance their reading experience.

By next spring, I would have staff to run the bookstore so I could continue to operate Catherine’s Sweet Treats. I hired Peyton’s best friend Monica as manager. Her grandmother was a famous romance author, and Monica was an aspiring writer. I’d gotten to know her while Peyton and I dated. She was sarcastically funny. But best of all, she wasn’t a fan of Nancy. That secured her a place in my heart.

Peyton wrapped his strong muscular arms around me from behind. “How are you holding up?” he whispered.

“I’ve never been happier.” I turned to face Peyton with all the love my heart contained for the brown-haired, brown-eyed boy who had once been the bane of my existence.

“You know, now that we live together, you have to lavish me with the lifestyle I’ve grown accustomed to,” Peyton said with a straight face. “You’re an entrepreneur and I’m merely a lowly intern. My extravagance has no limits.” Again, I waited for his face to crack. A smile or a guffaw.

My eyes widened. Did Peyton expect me to be his sugar mama?

“God, Chloe, if you could see the expression on your face at this moment,” Peyton bellowed with a laugh.

“Peyton Manos, you are a terrible boyfriend,” I admonished.

“I’d rather be a great fiancé.” Peyton got down on one knee and produced a gold band with a solitary garnet perched on a crown setting. Not a diamond but my birthstone.

“Peyton,” I gasped as my hand flew to my mouth. Were we ready for this? He just moved in with me.

“It’s a promise ring, Chloe. I’m not asking you to marry me. At least, not yet. But I do want to promise that I will spend the rest of my life making all your dreams come true if you’ll let me.” He stood, took the ring out of the box, and held it out.

“Yes,” I cried. Literally cried. Tears were streaming down my face at the sweet gesture made by the sweetest man I’d ever known. “I would love to accept your ring and offer my promise to spend the rest of my life making all of our dreams come true.”

Peyton slipped the ring on my finger to whoops and calls of congratulations.

I guess we finally outdid his parents in the PDA department.

As long as he didn’t make a habit of it.