Page 12 of Peyton

A great way to start the season. Thank you, Shake Shack, for keeping things interesting.#Catherine’s Sweet Treats#All natural#Will be up all night creating tempting goodness.

I debated tagging the library in my tweet. However, I didn’t want to come off as self-serving.

Amanda came bouncing down the stairs looking like a fresh-faced teenager. Gone were the heavy eye makeup and ruby lips. Her natural beauty did not need the extra layers I’d seen her apply every morning. She traded the four-inch heels and tight spandex dress for a simple yellow sundress with wedge sandals.

“You look amazing,” I praised.

“Thank you,” Amanda blushed. “Do you think Ryan’s parents will like me?” She worried her bottom lip.

“They will love you, Amanda,” I answered honestly. The Amanda of a week ago had long disappeared. Gone was the spoiled brat Melanie had warned me about.

I stifled a smirk. My parents would have loved to observe this. Nature vs. nurture. The lifelong question. I had a living, breathing specimen right in front of me. And as with all things in my life, my parents were nowhere to be seen.

“Go have fun.” I hugged Amanda, then headed off to wash away the day.

I stripped out of my black shorts and t-shirt as the steam from the hot water filled the room. I stepped inside the stall and let the day wash down the drain.

Feeling refreshed, I slipped on a comfortable pair of yoga pants. Next, I searched for the stained t-shirt I used when creating in the kitchen. I learned long ago how messy the process of making ice cream could be. Too many of my favorite t-shirts were ruined in the process.

The minute I entered the kitchen, I pulled out my supplies and began preparations for the long night ahead. I was in the zone. Which was why I jumped when someone knocked on my kitchen door.

I looked at the clock on the wall. Holy crap, was it eight pm? Who would be visiting unannounced at this hour?

I peeked out the kitchen window. I took a long calming breath, then swung the door open.

“What are you doing here?” I grunted.

He was the jock I’d stayed away from all through college. Heck, Peyton was why I stayed away from the stereotypical alpha male.

I tried not to stare at Peyton’s fine form standing in my doorway. I couldn’t let him know how his presence affected me. His six foot three, two hundred pound frame proved he’d grown into a sexy, virile man. Peyton’s scent, tousled hair, and five o’clock shadow added to his sex appeal. I involuntarily licked my lips. I failed miserably not letting the McHottie Shake Shack owner get under my skin.

“Hey,” he stammered. “I read your tweet and thought you could use an extra pair of hands.” He smiled sheepishly.

Did I trust Peyton Manos enough to let him into the sanctuary that was my kitchen?