Violet crossed her arms. “Don't you all have any reservations about this?”

“No. I understand why you might. But we don't. He doesn't want a thing from us. He's just doing this to get on your good side. But I just don't see how it can be a bad thing. He's not trying to trap you. It’s not even on his pack land.

“Right,” Violet said.

“So what's the problem?” Onyx asked.

“I guess I'm just afraid if we move into this house, that we’ll never leave. We'll be here forever, and then I'll end up in his pack. Following his rules."

Onyx came over and sat beside her, on the other side from Linden. She wrapped one arm tight around her. "None of us are going to let that happen. If you want to keep moving, you'll keep moving. We've always agreed that we are a flexible group. And that we’re family, no matter where we are in the world. Right?”

Violet leaned her head over on Onyx’s shoulder. “Right.”

“So don't worry. If you ever feel like he's trying to hold you here, then we will intervene. We’re not going to abandon you.”

“Okay. Thank you. I really appreciate that.”

Linden picked up her hand and squeezed it. “And Violet. You have to face facts. Some of us may decide to stay here permanently. Not because we want to live in Tristan's house, but because we want to have some permanency for a while. I don't feel that way yet, but that could happen. We've all agreed to support each other if it does.”

Violet could feel the panic building, starting in her chest and spreading down toward her stomach.

But she pushed it away and focused on the sinking feeling in her stomach. Their life was going to change. There was no stopping it now, she could not control it. She had spent the last seven years doing her best to control every single aspect of hers and Arabella's lives, but that was no longer going to happen. Too many outside factors had been introduced.

Not only did Tristan know he had a daughter, but so did his Alpha and his Alpha’s mate. They'd been in a similar situation, and they would do anything they could to help Tristan preserve his family.

Her days of keeping Arabella to herself were over.

She must've voiced all that out loud without realizing it because the entire pack was looking at her with sympathy.

“Yes. Your life is going to change permanently, but that could be a good thing. You'll still have us and you'll still have Arabella. But maybe you'll gain a few more things and so will she," Angelina said.

Violet wished she could be that optimistic.

She hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Arabella yet, but that would happen the next day.

* * *

The next morningafter they brushed their teeth and washed their faces, she suggested they go look for a nice freshwater stream.

"Swimming?” Arabella asked hopefully.

Watching her daughter's face, she knew she'd been spending too much time fretting and not enough time just being a mother.

“Yes, we can swim.”

“Is everyone else coming?”

“No. It's just us,” Violet said. Once they reached the stream, Violet knew it was time. She couldn’t put it off any longer. "Do you remember a long time ago when you asked me if you had a father and where he was? And I said yes, but he lived very far away?"

“Kind of,” she said. A fish went by, and she stopped to watch it. Then, she stooped down to pick up a few crumpled leaves. She clearly wasn't super invested in the conversation yet.

“Well, your father is not far away now. We are actually close to him.”

That got her attention. Arabella dropped the leaves she was holding. She turned to face Violet. "Really? Can I meet him?”

“You actually already have met him.”

“I have?” Her eyes lit up. “Who is he?”