“Oh God,” he said.

She took his cock into her mouth all at once. It had been seven years since she’d done this, but it came back to her. He tasted good. She liked the heavy weight of him in her mouth. A surge of pure lust had her pussy even wetter, and she longed for something to fill it.

She continued to lick and suck and do everything she could to blow his mind.

His hands tangled in her hair. “Wait,” he said. Then, he was lifting her and flipping her over.

“As hot as that is, I have to taste you too.”

He laid her on the gritty sand and pushed her legs open. “God, I love looking at your pussy.” He buried his head between her legs.

She screamed in pleasure as his lips fastened over her clit. He sucked, and one of his fingers pushed into her pussy. His free hand came up to pinch her nipples.

“I’m not going to last long,” she said. “I can’t!”

“Come for me,” he said. He curled his fingers, hitting her sweet spot, and she couldn't stop the force of her orgasm. Her body spasmed, and her pussy pulsed with every beat of her heart.

Once she’d come down, she pushed him back down. His cock was hard and leaking. “Now your turn,” she said.

She took his cock as deep into her throat as she could, and he was clearly on the edge, because he shouted and then came.

He filled her mouth, and she took it, swallowing. “Violet,” he whispered, sounding fully sated.

They lay tangled together, and then they did it all over again.

* * *

The followingmorning it dawned on her that the opposite had happened. He only wanted her more.

How could she fix this problem? She created it. Each thing she did just kept making it worse. Her mother would've said it was fate. She could hear her mother's voice in her head. Just let it happen. Don't fight it. This is the universe's way of telling you that your relationship is meant to be.

Get out of my head!

There would never be a day that she would take advice from her mother.

She had been rescued by him. And then instead of leaving Alaska like she should have, she confronted him and used the artifact. And now, somehow, they were linked. And he knew where she was. He'd found her with no effort. And he knew they were mates. Was there anywhere in the world she could go that he wouldn't follow?

As long as they were alive they would be linked. And no. She was not going to kill him. She might've harmed him with that artifact, but she was not a murderer.

What if the universe really was trying to push them together? That was not acceptable to her but maybe there were forces more powerful than she was working against her. It wasn't fair. But so few things were.

"Listen. I have to go."

"Tell me what the problem is. I promise I'll do my best to understand."

"I wish it were that simple."

She just had to get Arabella and go. She couldn't worry about the rest of the pack.