
No. That wasn't possible. This place was too small. There was no way that this could be Tristan.

At least Arabella wasn't with her. Onyx would have gotten them away from the fire.

In the next room, there were two disoriented humans on the floor.

They were trying to get to a small dog cowering under a bed. Violet crawled under the bed and picked him up. She handed him to his human and finally they got the hell out.

That left one more family. She could tell they were inside, but she couldn't get to them. The smoke was so thick she couldn't find them. "Where are you?" she asked desperately.

Flames licked the walls now. She didn't want to die. She didn't want Arabella to lose her mother. But she also couldn't abandon a human to a fire.

She dropped to the floor and started crawling. The smoke was less thick against the floorboards.

Then above her she heard voices, then a very specific male voice. Tristan. It was Tristan, dammit. Why was he here?

"How many are still in?" he asked.

At least he was here to help. She was really fucking grateful for it.

Then, she was being lifted and carried outside. She didn't have the strength to fight back. Tristan froze.

"Violet? Is that you?"

She lifted her eyes to his, making sure that no recognition showed. She would pretend not to know him.

He could not have her. He could not have her daughter. She had to get away.