“I really like Arizona in some ways, but I am so glad to be away from the sand,” Onyx said.

Violet nodded. “Agreed. It’s a cool place but the sand is very annoying.” She stretched out on the ground. “I’m happy to be lying in some plain old dirt.”

They all laughed. In the morning they would find a freshwater stream to bathe in and then they would brush their teeth, dress like humans, and go to work.

* * *

The next day was orientation.They found out that a boarding house was part of the deal, which worked out well for them because they wouldn’t have to spend money on rent.

The work would be easy for them. In fact, they’d all probably have to try to conceal their strength just to blend in.

Ten of the adults went to work, while Onyx and Austin stayed home with the children. Each of them took turns. The three children were easy to manage and often once they’d settled, they’d find a human homeschool group that had some somewhat bohemian views so the kids had someone to play with.

They weren't the only borders in the house, and it was odd to be around people again, even though there weren't that many of them. The kids piled up on the floor together and the adults split into two rooms. In the past, the humans around them always ended up thinking they were some kind of crazy sex cult, and they usually just went with that explanation.

Letting people think they were a cult worked in their favor. It kept people from asking too many questions or spying on them. They always made sure the kids looked well cared for when they were in human places. They focused on things that might not be important to shifters living in the wild, like clothes with no rips or holes, clean, brushed hair and a supply of toys and books picked up from thrift shops.

They learned that lesson the hard way when Arabella was a baby. Shifter pups didn't need cold-weather gear, so they didn’t buy any.

They had been in Sweden at the time, and it had been very cold. The people of Sweden were very hospitable and friendly and would often help Violet as she stumbled over the Swedish words she tried to learn. But when she took Arabella out in just a t-shirt one day, she got an earful from another mother.

By the time the mother was done lecturing her, Violet knew it was time for them to move on. This mother would be keeping an eye on her ready to report her to social services at any time. Again, she couldn't be too angry at the woman. She was trying to protect what she thought was a helpless child. Violet should have known better. She'd worked among humans. She'd learned how they dressed.

After that, they'd been very careful to make sure the kids were dressed appropriately. No matter how much they protested. People were fine with a wild, hippie look. They were not okay with what they perceived as neglect. Which was just fine with Violet. She liked the idea that there were humans looking out for other people's kids. No one from her pack had ever looked out for her like that.

But it was one thing for adults to stumble along. With the children around, they had to learn to be careful in every aspect of life. They couldn’t let their children roam the woods alone as they had. If hikers saw them out, they would report them missing and call the police.

That night, Violet lay on her mat and drifted off to sleep in the boarding house. They were going to make a good life in Alaska. She would make sure of it.

Violet wasn't sure what woke her up, but as soon as she was awake, she smelled smoke.

It wasn't the same smell as wood burning in a campfire, but it was a different smell. It took her a moment to orient herself. Right. They were in the boarding house. This was their new home in rural Alaska. They were now working for a fishing operation.

But something was wrong. She stood up, feeling the air, and then it was clear.

The building was on fire.

The floorboards already felt hot to her, and she imagined she could hear creaking in the walls.

She had to get them all out. She went straight to Arabella and tugged her up, yanking the other two children up with her. "Everyone. Out. Get out now. There's a fire.”

Onyx was on her feet next. She shoved the window open and dropped to the ground. She held her arms up, and Violet dropped the three kids down to her. Violet could hear her chanting spells to make it easier for her to catch them.

She hoped there were no cameras recording them to see the ease with which they’d gotten out, but if there were, they would just have to deal with it. At least they’d be alive. Onyx took the kids and headed toward the woods.

Now she had to make sure the rest of the pack was out of the building. Everyone in her room had cleared out. But that left the six members of her pack asleep in the neighboring room. She beat on their door.

No response. Finally, she kicked it in. “Get out! Get out the window now. There's a fire."

The rest of her pack scrambled up and did as she said.

Finally, everyone was out. But what about the humans? Some of them lived in the house too.

Austin came back to help her, and while they were scrambling to try to get all of the humans out, Violet felt a prickling in her mind.

There was a new shifter. There was a shifter on this property that did not belong to her pack.

The shifter felt familiar.