
After the steakhouse, Tristan took Violet out on more dates. She let him come visit her at work. He helped her check on campfires, and he helped her straighten up the bikes and the kayaks the campers had left in semi-disarray

He counted the days that he was with her. He was tempted to count the hours and the minutes, but he didn't allow himself – watching their time dwindle was too depressing. He told himself that he wouldn't get too attached in case it did not work out.

He wanted it to work out, badly. But logistics would be a problem for them. For example, maybe she wouldn't want to move to Alaska. Maybe she'd want to stay there in Nova Scotia. The environments weren't that different. But maybe the scenery didn't matter to her.

He already understood that her freedom was the most important thing to her. She had made that quite clear.

Tristan had thought about those things the first day he’d met her. But he hadn't been serious, not then. Even mates often scoffed at the idea of love at first sight. But now he was having to reconsider it.

The question he asked himself two weeks ago kept coming up again. If she would not move to Alaska, would he leave his pack for her? Would he leave Roman behind?

Roman would not understand. Neither would Jameson or Derek. None of them had met a mate yet. Tristan could not fathom leaving his pack. But for Violet, he would. The thoughts that had been vague concepts had now solidified into something resembling a plan. By the end of the third week, he would have to make a decision. But for now he had seven more days to enjoy Violet’s company.

On her next day off, they went kayaking. She had free use of the campground’s kayaks as long as they weren’t reserved by campers. They had a great time, so the next day he splurged and rented them a boat to take out on the ocean.

Her eyes lit up. "You got us a boat? How?"

"Have you traveled by sea before?" He didn't think so, but he wanted to make sure.

“No. I've only ridden buses. And, of course, I've ridden in your car.”

“I called a few marinas and found one that would rent us a speedboat. I hope you don't get seasick."

"I don't care if I do. I can't wait,” she said.

He'd seen her excited before, but he was beginning to think she enjoyed an adrenaline rush as much as he did.

Two nights before, they’d shifted into their wolf forms and raced through the forest outside the campground. She had been reluctant at first, saying she hadn’t run for fun since she was a pup. But he coaxed her, and then she’d had a blast with him.

As a wolf, she'd run fast, jumped high, and swam hard. She clearly had a sense of adventure that he could appreciate.

It made sense that she would enjoy being on the ocean. His brain immediately began supplying ideas for all the different things they could do, all over the world.

He started to ask why she hadn't spent time on the ocean, and then he remembered why: money. She probably didn't have much, especially since she had left her pack without their blessing.

He had done plenty of odd jobs, and, of course, his pack provided for all of their needs. A wolf shifter could live in a natural forest like this with absolutely no money, and live a comfortable, happy life. But to do things that required traveling in human spaces, well, that would cost human money.

He vowed to take her to do as many things as he could before he left.

Out on the sea, Violet did not get seasick. She stood on the bow of the boat with her face pressed into the wind. And when they were out in the middle of the ocean, with no one in sight, she dove right off, straight into the choppy, cold water.

It was fortunate there was no one around because they couldn't be seen by humans jumping into this frigid water without wetsuits.

She resurfaced. “It feels amazing.”

He dove into the water after her. “It does feel good.” Out in the open water, he moved closer. He moved her into his arms, pulling her close. He held on with one arm around her waist, then treaded water with the other.

He pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back with enough passion that he had to take a minute just to breathe. He ran his fingers over her collarbone. He had to stop or he was going to go too far. He didn’t think she was ready for more than kissing.

"How would you feel about cliff jumping?" he asked, trying to change the subject so he wouldn’t be thinking about his rock hard cock.

“I feel great about it except that I hate for you to spend all this money on me.”

"I like spending it on you. It's just sitting there otherwise, not getting used.”

“No one from your pack wants to do these things?" she asked.

“Not really. I've tried. Most of them just want to go to college. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm proud of them. We just don't have too many thrill seekers. My good friend Derek likes to travel, but he likes to do it alone. He’s more into partying than adventure,” Tristan said with amusement. He’d been out with Derek to a club in Vancouver. Derek had drunk so much even he’d gotten buzzed.

She pressed her lips against his again. “In that case, I’ll take you up on the cliff jumping.”

He grinned. He couldn’t wait.