Roman wasn't sure about that. There was a good chance he still would've done it.

"Listen, I've made sure everything we did was consensual," Roman said. "She likes me. She wants me." Oh hell. Why had he said that? He knew better.

"You bastard." Sutton drew back his fist, but he was too drunk to make contact.

Seeing how angry his friend was sobered Roman up quickly. He ducked, avoiding his punch. But Sutton didn't give up. He jumped on Roman, trying to hit him again.

Next to them Derek noticed what was going on. "What are you two doing? I think you're too drunk to be wrestling."

"I could use a little help here," Roman said. "We're not wrestling; he's mad at me and he's trying to punch me."

"Why was he trying to punch you?" Derek asked.

There was no way Roman was going to admit that. "That's personal."

"It wasn't too personal when you were doing it!" Sutton screamed.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Roman said.

"He's fucking my little sister." Sutton tried to punch him again, but he fell forward to the ground, thankfully missing the campfire.

Derek sighed. "Is it still going on? Roman, come on, man."

"We’re not serious," Roman said to Derek. "You know that."

Sutton gotto his knees and grabbed Roman around the waist, yanking on him. "When I'm done with you, you're going to regret that you ever heard of Anchorage!"

Roman had to try and reason with him. This was their reunion and everyone was watching. They were hardly setting a good example. "Sutton. Dude. I'm sorry. I won't see her again if it makes you feel better."

Did I mean that? Could I stay away from her for the sake of my brother?

"You better damn well not. I know what you're like." He got to his feet and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm going to make sure you pay for this."

Fuck. Roman wasn't personally scared of Sutton. Roman was bigger and he was stronger and he could easily overpower Sutton. But his bear clan was very influential. Roman’s pack didn't always have a lot of contact with them, but they were far more connected in the shifter community than Roman’s wolves were. If Sutton decided to actually turn on Roman while he was sober, their pack would have a real problem on their hands.

The following morning, Sutton was sober, and he was also sullen. He was also adamant that Roman end the relationship.

So Roman had to stop seeing her. For the good of the pack and out of loyalty to his brother. He’d already known that he could never mate with her, but he couldn't date her anymore either, even casually.

The problem was that he didn't want to stop seeing her. Was she his mate? It sure felt like it. But he had always believed that his mate would be a wolf shifter. He wasn’t sure what it meant that he’d connected so strongly with her.

Roman put off leaving for as long as possible. He always made sure the campground was cleaned up, but this time it was pristine. He said goodbye to all of his brothers and to his fellow alumni. It was always a bittersweet ending to a two-week reprieve from real life.

He was going to break up with her. As soon as he got back.