“I have absolutely no freaking clue,” I say honestly.
“Well, you care about Chase, right?”
“I barely know him,” I say honestly, and that fact makes me a little sad. Here I am, pregnant with his child, and I feel like I know so little about him. My first time letting go and just living in the moment in years, and it comes back to bite me in the ass.
“You know he’s kind and thoughtful,” she says. “You know there’s obviously nothing he wouldn’t do for the people he loves. You know he’s great in bed.”
“Olivia,” I exclaim, then laugh with her. She’s definitely not wrong about Chase’s skills in the bedroom.
“Sorry, I had to. Anyway, he’s the father of your child. And from what you’ve said about him so far, he’s probably going to be a damn good one. Everything else you need to know will come. But Addison, I really think you should move in with Chase. You guys have some serious shit to work through, and I don’t just mean you and Chase. This has got to be a lot for Emily and Willow, too. I understand wanting to keep your distance from the drama. At the same time, forced proximity might help everyone come to terms with things a hell of a lot quicker than if you hide out at Drake’s.”
“I am not hiding out.”
“Sure you aren’t.” She laughs. “Listen, that baby deserves an environment as chill as possible. Frankly, so does Willow. So, if you guys are going to figure things out quickly, this is the way to do it.”
“I understand what you’re saying. I just can’t imagine how awkward it would be.”
“Honestly, you couldn’t pay me to be in the same room as the four of you right now. But you don’t really have a choice. It’s time to put on your big girl panties and do what you gotta do.”
“I don’t want to get too comfortable here. I don’t even know how long I’m staying.”
“Addison, you didn’t go there just to tell him about the baby and then run back to LA.”
I’m quiet, contemplating her statement.“Well, I never really planned on staying,” I finally say.
“Yes, you did. You might not have realized it, but I don’t think you ever had any intention of coming back here. At least not yet. You don’t belong in this world. Your entire life, you’ve been searching to find your place here, but you’ve always had to compromise in order to do so. And maybe you don’t belong there either, but you’re never going to find that out unless you give it a chance.”
I sigh, her words hitting me right in the chest. “Damn, you’re so wise.”
“You’re not wrong. Hey, I just pulled up and I have five minutes to make it through security and to my meeting. Just remember you’re a fucking rock star, Addi. You’ll figure out what’s best for you and that little one.”
“I love you, O.” I don’t know what I did to deserve such an incredible best friend, but I’m so thankful to have her.
“Love you too, babe. Call me soon, please. I don’t want to have to keep badgering you to give me updates. I will, but I don’t want to, okay?”
I promise to do a better job at keeping in contact and then hang up.
Pulling out my earbuds, I try to hear if Drake and Rachel are still going at it out in the living room, but it’s quiet. I give it a few more minutes, and when I don’t hear a peep, I grab my clothes and toiletries and head to the bathroom.