When I hang up with Chase, I’m too anxious to go back to sleep, so I drag myself out of bed instead. I survey my pajamas—a spaghetti strap tank and a pair of shorts—and decide to change into something more appropriate. After a quick search in my still-packed suitcase, I settle on a pair of purple workout capris and a white V-neck tee.

After a trip to the bathroom to relieve my screaming bladder and brush my teeth, I head toward the kitchen to grab a glass of water, surprised to find Drake already standing at the fridge.

“You’re up early,” I say, greeting him with a large smile.

“Yeah, I’m an early riser. Would you like some juice?” He raises a carton in the air.

“Please.” I take a large and exaggerated step over a sprawled-out Kevin and sit down at the table.

If the masculine scent in the room is any indication, Drake is fresh from the shower. He’s sporting a pair of gray sweatpants and a black muscle beater. His hair is a just-out-of-bed mess, but it’s working for him.

“I see you and Kev must have had a falling out,” he says, handing me a glass of juice and leaning against the counter with his own.

“You told me I didn’t have to worry about his gas,” I exclaim, thinking back on the night. “It got so bad that I couldn’t stop dry heaving. Eventually, I had to kick him out.”

Kevin started off at the end of the bed, then slowly worked his way up beside me. At first, I found myself enjoying his presence. He was warm and cozy, and it was nice not to be sleeping alone. Then, the farting started. I’ll admit, I felt bad about sending him to the living room, but that feeling was short-lived when I drifted off to some of the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life.

Drake throws his head back and laughs. “No, I told you that he only has gas if he eats one thing.”

“Which is?”

“Pizza,” he replies dryly, a devilish twinkle in his eye.

“Drake!” I laugh. “Why do I think you did that on purpose?”

“I didn’t, I swear.” He throws his hands up in defense. “I didn’t think about it until you were already asleep. But I’m sure he’d enjoy the chance to make it up to you tonight. I promise not to feed him pizza for as long as you’re staying here.”

I look down at the giant pup on the floor, who doesn’t really look all that bothered at having spent most of his night in the living room.

“Anyway, what are you getting into today?” he asks.

Before I can reply, the doorbell rings.

“Hold that thought,” he says. He takes a long drink of his juice, then sets it down before heading toward the front door.

In moments, a feminine “Surprise!” and laughter fills the air, and before long, Drake is leading a tall, gorgeous brunette into the room. She stops short when her eyes land on me. Her beautiful smile falls off her face, and she’s left looking stricken.

“I know, he’s the size of a horse, huh?” I joke.

The stunning woman just blinks her eyes at me before swiveling her entire body toward Drake.

“Addison, this is my girlfriend, Rachel. Rachel, this is my friend Addison. She’s staying with me for a while,” he says.

Rachel.Of course.

Her long legs are wrapped in designer jeans, and she’s wearing a silky blue top that clings to her like a second skin. Her hair looks freshly blown out and her makeup is perfectly applied. Drake definitely has a type. Tall, thin, and drop-dead gorgeous.

I note that Drake is smiling, as if unaware of the discomfort that has settled over the room, but it’s not with the same excitement one might expect from a man whose girlfriend just surprised him with a visit.

Rising from the table with a smile, I reach my right hand out to her as a peace offering. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

None of it good, but a lot nonetheless.

Her eyes turn from Drake over to me and then drop down to my hand. She hesitates just long enough for all of us to take notice, then finally reaches out to shake it. “A pleasure,” she says, her eyes telling me it’s anything but. “Unfortunately, I can’t say that I’ve heard anything about you, Allison.”

“It’s Addison,” Drake corrects, his normally jovial eyes narrowing on her.