“Wake up, wake up, wake up!”

I groan at being dragged out of my sexy dream right as it was heating up. I stretch and roll over onto my stomach, shoving a pillow over my head to escape the ball of energy jumping on the bed beside me.

“Seriously, Olivia, you’re like a three-year-old. Let me sleep.”

“No can do, bestie. You promised me shopping, and it’s time to deliver. Get that little tushy out of bed.”

“But Thor was just about to show me his hammer,” I whine. She laughs and unceremoniously strips the blankets off me. I put up a valiant fight, but she apparently gains superhuman strength when someone’s standing between her and her hundredth pair of shoes.

My large quilt is now on the floor, and a chill causes goose bumps to break out along my skin. I groan one last time, then blow the hair out of my face and relent. “Okay, okay, I’ll get into the shower. Go away.”

“That’s my girl.”

As she prances out of the room, I crawl to the end of the bed, pick up the big, cozy blanket from the ground, and quickly snuggle up underneath it. Maybe if I can get right back to sleep, I’ll be able to pick up where I left off with Mr. Hemsworth and that incredible mouth of his.

Just as I start to drift back to sleep, I’m shocked awake by a rush of ice-cold water. I gasp, sputtering for air and jumping out of my warm cocoon. Olivia stands in the doorway, an evil grin on her face and a big red pot in her hands.

“Olivia!” The second the shock wears off, I’m chasing after her as she darts out of the room. She hustles down the stairs from my upstairs loft, laughing so hard she can barely stand upright.

“I was only trying to help you out with your shower,” she mocks. She circles the dining room table just as I make it to the bottom of the stairs, making a beeline for the front door.

She looks ridiculous bouncing around in her pink lace nightie. Her silk robe is lined with gaudy faux fur, and her fuzzy slipper sandals make a loud smacking sound on the stone floor with each step.

Despite her attire, she makes her escape quicker than I expect, slamming the screen door shut with hysterical laughter. I don’t let it slow me down for long, rushing out on the porch to join her. She stands on the gravel drive in front of the cabin, hands on her hips as she smirks down at my shoeless feet.

“Smug brat.” I laugh as I turn back toward the front door. A garden hose strewn out on the deck about five feet to my left catches my eye, and I pause, my mind reeling as I concoct my sweet revenge.

Nonchalantly, I pretend I’m on my way back inside the house, hoping Olivia will follow me. She chatters away behind me about the local shops she Googled, but I tune her out, focusing on getting to the hose and giving her a taste of her own medicine.

I get right up to the screen door and place my hand on the latch, waiting for her to make it onto the first step of the porch. The second her foot connects, I dash to the spigot and loosen it as fast as I can, then I race for the nozzle. Without hesitation or an ounce of decent aim, I snap the hose around, spraying it out in front of me like I’m putting out a fire.

I let out a guttural “Ahhh,” not even caring that I sound like a deranged lunatic.

The second I realize we aren’t alone is the same moment I hear boisterous male laughter ringing out. I drop the hose immediately and stare open-mouthed at the scene before me.

Two of the finest male specimens I’ve ever laid eyes on—which is saying a lot since I’ve spent my life right outside of Hollywood—are standing directly in front of the cabin to our left. One of the men isn’t even trying to hold back his amusement. He’s built like a Greek god—tall and strong—and is dressed in simple black jeans and a white V-neck that pulls taut over his broad chest.

“I had a dream like this once,” he jokes loudly, swiping his long blond hair out of his eyes. His laughter subsides, but his grin is still spread across his face, matching dimples poked into each cheek.

The men have the same lengthy, broad-shouldered build, but where Zeus’s looks are smooth and boyish, guy number two is hard and rugged. He’s nowhere near as jovial as the first man, and his looks aren’t as traditionally attractive either, but somehow, he’s even sexier.

His strong jaw is dusted with facial hair, and his eyes are so dark, they appear black. He shouldn’t be the least bit appealing to me. He’s nothing like my usual type—a clean-cut businessman that kisses my father’s ass and sticks his dick in the neighbor when my back is turned.

That’s a bit specific, but I really don’t have any dating experience beyond Ethan, and I haven’t paid much attention to other men. Standing in front of these two now, I’m starting to see I’ve been missing out.

I briefly find myself fantasizing about tracing those hard planes with my fingertips. I can almost feel his strong body pressing down on me. His breath caressing my neck. His scruffy face lighting my skin on fire.

The entire time my mind wanders, he just stands there, glaring at me like I’m a small child that needs reprimanded, and he’s the annoyed parent that doesn’t have the energy to do so.

Bummer. I’ve never been into spanking, but if it were at the hands of this guy, I could get on board. Heat rushes through me as I picture myself draped over his lap, those big palms rubbing my ass in between sharp smacks.

In reality, his meticulous gaze is traveling down my body and back up again. When his eyes meet my own, I’m shocked at the hint of lust I see in them, causing a jolt of electricity to shoot down my spine. His hostility is so mesmerizing that he almost has me apologizing on the spot, and I don’t even know what for. I guess standing here and ogling him, for a start.

That’s when I finally realize I’ve been standing on the porch in nothing more than tiny black sleep shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank, both clinging to me like a second skin.

I’m not even wearing a bra. I’m sure my breasts are on full display, and I can feel my nipples standing at attention. Whether that’s due to my wet clothes in the crisp morning air or my fantasies of the two hotties standing in front of me is yet to be determined.