His presence wraps itself around my neck, squeezing just enough to be uncomfortable, just enough to choke me, and with each passing moment, my lungs burn hotter.

I don’t give myself time to think.

I run.

I rush out of Drake’s house in a blur and into the car, not even bothering to put on my seat belt as I recklessly drive away. My mind is in fight or flight, barely registering what’s going on around me.

How could this have happened to me? Four months ago, I had everything. A good job, a handsome fiancé, a direction I felt confident moving in, and now, I’m jobless, single, and pregnant by another woman’s husband.

I’m safe in the hotel when I finally let the first tear fall. Slowly, it spills out of my eye. I drop my purse on the ground and walk straight to the bed.

I carefully pull back the covers, untucking every corner as I walk around the bed. My hands are sweaty and shaky, yet ice cold.

When I’ve successfully untucked the bed, I lie down in the center and raise my legs up so I can wrap myself up on either side. Rolling to my left, I pull my legs up into a ball, and for the first time, I allow myself to feel.

My body starts vibrating, the last of the numbness fading as reality reaches inside my chest and shakes me awake. All the pain washes over me at once, seeping into my skin and destroying me from the inside out. Lies have a way of ripping you open and laying you bare, and as sobs rack my body, I let myself bleed out.