I nod and she pulls out a chair and makes herself right at home. Her movements are slow, and her eyes are red and puffy, like she’s spent hours crying, but otherwise, she’s radiant. She glows from the inside out, lighting up our small space and instantly making me feel right at home.

“Congratulations on the pregnancy,” she continues. “How far along are you?” She takes a sip of her coffee and grins at me like were long-lost friends reconnecting. I feel some of the tension in my shoulders release.

“About twelve weeks. I actually just recently found out, so it’s still kind of sinking in.”

She nods with a grin. “It takes some time to get used to the idea of a tiny human growing inside you, but I swear, food has never in my life been as good as it was when I was pregnant. I wanted melted cheese on everything.”

“For me, it’s blueberry,” I say with an exaggerated sigh. “But not the fruit, just the junk food. I’ve eaten so many pop tarts that I’m mostly sugar at this point.”

“Hey, enjoy it while you can, and don’t for a second feel bad about it. Do you have an OB yet? I know the options are limited around here.” She takes the lid off her coffee cup and blows on the steam. I can smell the hazelnut floating through the air, making my stomach grumble impatiently.

“I’m sorry.” I smile apologetically, hand on my stomach, but she laughs it off. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday. I’ve been so busy traveling and then sleeping off the jet lag that I haven’t had a chance before now. But anyway, I’m just visiting from out of town.”

“Oh, do you have family here? We never get tourists in our little neck of the woods.”

“Not exactly.” I pause, unsure of how many details I want to share with her, but she’s so friendly, and easy to talk to. She doesn’t look like the type to judge me harshly. “Actually, I kind of got pregnant during a vacation fling, and now I’m here to tell the father about the baby. He has no idea I’m coming, so I’m a nervous wreck.”

It feels good to say it out loud, to put it out there in the universe. I haven’t talked about the pregnancy with anyone other than Olivia, and finally doing so makes it feel so much more real.

If possible, Emily’s grin gets even wider. “Oh, this is juicy! I’ve lived here my entire life and know everyone, so I’m sure I know him too. I give it two days to make it through the grapevine and back to me.”

I laugh, wanting to ask her if she knows Chase, but spilling the beans to a complete stranger before telling him feels wrong, so I keep quiet.

“Addison?” A voice rings out, and I turn to see that my order is ready at the front.

“Oh, that’s me.” I stand up and gesture for her to follow. When we get to the front, I reach into my bag and hand Emily the wrapped cinnamon donut. She already has it in her mouth by the time we’re on the sidewalk out front.

“So good!” She closes her eyes for a moment as she enjoys her donut. “Okay, before you go, thank you for trading with me, and I really hope I see you again.” She pulls her phone out of her purse and types a few times, then eyes me cautiously. “I hope this isn’t weird, but I don’t have much of a life nowadays and could use a new friend. Can I have your number? I’ll send you a quick text with mine.”

I give her my number quickly, excited to possibly make a new friend in the area. I have no idea what’s to come with my meeting with Chase, but I really enjoyed our quick conversation. It couldn’t hurt to know someone else in the area if the need arises.

“Okay, perfect.” She drops her phone back into her purse and gives me a grin. “Chin up, back straight, and go get your man!” She gives me a quick fist bump and walks away.

I watch her go, a smile on my face and a fire lit in my ass. I hurry back to my car, put the address of Prescott Enterprises into my GPS, and head out.

My online stalking session already told me it’s a few miles north of Gamble Springs, and I specifically steered clear of that area in my earlier adventure. Even though I saw pictures of the building online, I wasn’t prepared for the beauty surrounding it.

Tall trees line the last mile of stretch, and the mountainside gradually climbs higher and higher as I drive. The road ends in a large parking lot that wraps around the entire building

That’s where I spy Chase’s truck, and nerves immediately set flight in my stomach. After I park, I take a deep breath and rub my sweaty palms down my jeans. I gulp down the rest of my coffee—though I probably shouldn’t due to how jittery I already am—before making my way out of the car.

I stand there longer than necessary, my insides so twisted up that I feel like I might puke at any moment. But I know I can’t put this off any longer. I’ve been carrying this secret around for over two weeks. If I waited any longer, I’d be telling Chase the big news with a baby in my arms.

My steps are slow as I walk through the parking lot, but I pick up the pace as I go. I remember what the girl at the coffee shop said and pull my chin up, straighten my back, and walk into the building like I own that place.

And then everything comes crashing down.