He half shrugs, smooshing my face as he raises my head with his shoulder.

“I’ve only known you for two days, but I can already say that’s a very Chase answer.” I scoot in closer, hoping it’ll relieve the ache in my chest, but no matter how close I get, it doesn’t seem to feel like enough.

“Did you play football with Drake?” I ask.

He shakes his head, causing my hair to tickle my neck. “Nope.”

“Really? Both of you are built like football players—big and broad.”

“You’re a football fan?” He wipes my hair away and replaces it with his fingers, lazily dragging them along my neck.

I laugh. “No, I know nothing about football, or any sport for that matter.”

“Well, I prefer baseball,” he says.

“Did you play baseball, then?”

“Nope. I ran in high school. I was tall and thin, but when I bulked up in college, it slowed me down.”

I rest my hand on his chest and place my chin on it while his beautiful chocolate-colored eyes twinkle at me. “Okay, last question before breakfast,” he tells me.

I worry my brow in concentration, then perk up when I’ve made my decision. “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” I lay my head back down in the crook of his neck.

“That’s a tough one. I’m going to go with super intelligence. I want to know as much as I can about everything,” he finally says. “What about you?”

“Hmm... maybe flying?” I trace my finger in a figure eight on his chest. His hand drags along my skin, igniting a fire in its wake. When he makes it over to my breast, he squeezes my nipple between his fingers and then rubs over it with his rough thumb.

His touch is gentle at first, but he gains pressure with each squeeze, shooting little zings of electricity through my core.

“Oh, my little adventurer,” he teases, rubbing his scruffy chin down my neck. It burns my skin but feels delicious, so I wiggle against him for more.

“Not really,” I say with a soft laugh.

“Let’s do something adventurous today.” His lips replace his stubble, and I moan quietly, enjoying the feel of his hot breath and smooth tongue against my skin.

“I hear pancakes can be pretty adventurous.” My hands wander over the hard planes of his stomach and down to his cock. I wrap my fingers around its length and rub my thumb along its silky tip, feeling it grow thicker beneath my touch.

“For the record, pancakes are the least adventurous breakfast food out there.” He pulls his hips away from me and settles in between my legs. “Besides, I’m hungry for something else right now.”

* * *

It turns out Chase had more on his mind in terms of adventure than just getting my pants off, which is why I’m standing God only knows how many feet in the air, about to jump to my death.

Well, probably not to my death, but I tried telling that to my anxiety-ridden stomach and quaking knees, and they wouldn’t listen.

I counted 138 steps on our way up the tall, wooden tower. Not intentionally, but I needed something to focus on to get my ass up to the top, and now that I’m here, I can’t seem to draw my eyes away from the rough terrain below.

Is it beautiful? Yes.

Would it be even more beautiful if I wasn’t about to fly across it on a wire? Hell yes.

My hips are wrapped tight in a bright yellow harness that stretches around my chest and shoulders. It should make me feel safe and comforted, but it does nothing for the apprehension racing through my veins.

“I was not expecting youto be afraid of heights,” Chase bellows behind me, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

“I’m not afraid,” I mutter to him, my eyes still locked on the rocks jutting out of the ground. “My body’s in self-preservation mode.”

He wraps his arms around me and leans in close to my ear. “Also known as fear.”