“Leave it. He can clean up,” I tell her, tipping my head toward the bedrooms. She grins and pats my arm.
“I knew I liked you,” she whispers. She heads back to the table, where Addison’s still looking a bit shell-shocked. The two begin whispering to each other, so rather than take the dishes back to the table, I head to the kitchen instead.
I rinse off her plate and place it in the sink, trying not to be loud enough to disturb their conversation, but also not wanting to accidentally eavesdrop. When I hear my name, I turn to see both women standing at the table, Olivia’s bag on her arm.
“Dinner was delicious. Thank you so much for inviting me over.” She reaches out and grips my hand in hers, leaning over to kiss my cheek. “We’ve had a long day, and I still haven’t fully recovered from last night’s adventures, so I think I’ll call it a night.”
She walks the few steps back to Addison and embraces her, then turns to me. “You stay here, I’ll see myself out. Take care of my girl tonight,” she says with a wink.
“Bye,” Addison calls at her departing back. We both watch as she disappears behind the front door.
Drake still hasn’t come out of his room. As rude as his departure was, that’s something I’m going to have to deal with another time. A time when I don’t have Addison all to myself.
“I’m sorry for all of that. It was rude for him to leave the table, but I have no idea what the hell’s going on anyway,” I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her into my arms. She giggles softly and wraps her arms around me.
“You’re not the only one, trust me.”
“Mmm,” I murmur into her hair, shifting my hips and swaying slightly, as if led by an imaginary tune. She sighs into my arms and settles in closer, resting her head against my chest.
Her long, athletic body is strong and warm, her curves soft against my edges. I could die a happy man right here, right now. The thought causes an ache where her head is placed.
I know it’s ridiculous, but the pull I have toward her is becoming unbelievably strong, my need for her overtaking every rational and reasonable thought.
“I have it on good authority that cabin one is empty,” I tell her. “And that the liquor cabinet and hot tub are ready to be explored.”
She pulls back slightly and grins up at me. “Guess I’ll have to go back to my cabin and get my swimsuit, then.”
“You wouldn’t want to bother Olivia. Probably better if you just, I don’t know, strip down to your bra and panties.”
“I’m not wearing a bra,” she says smugly.
“And panties?” I ask, holding my breath.
“Well, why don’t we go find out...”
Within ten minutes, we’re in the hot tub, whiskey tumblers in hand. We sit in silence, enjoying the heat from the water and liquor. I take a long pull, enjoying the icy burn of the liquid as it slides down to my belly, joining the pit of lust nestled there.
Addison sits across from me, her calves stretched out over my lap, a leg on top of each of mine. When she sends a smile my way, I finish off my drink and place the glass in an empty cup holder.
I grab each of her feet and begin making small firm circles along her arches. Addison’s head falls back on a moan, eyes closed and wet tendrils falling from her pinned-back hair.
Whether it’s from the pulse of the jets against her back or my caressing hands, I’m not sure. Either way, I’m rock hard and my eyes aren’t straying from her.
My hands begin to explore the length of her legs, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin in the warm water. After a few moments, she peeks open an eye. When it catches mine, a grin breaks out along her face, and it’s not long before I’m wearing a matching one.
Slowly, I slide to the edge of my seat, saying a silent thank-you that the hot tub is small enough for me to comfortably hold myself up while moving in closer. I pull her legs up and plant her feet on my thighs, causing her knees to poke out of the water.
Her chin falls down, just barely touching the top of the water, and her eyes connect with mine. That sexy Addison smirk I’ve grown to appreciate sits softly on her lips. I give one knee a gentle nip and enjoy the peel of laughter that tumbles out of her.
When we first arrived at the cabin, I gave her privacy to undress while I filled our drinks in the kitchen. I managed a small peek at the length of her naked back as she slinked into the water, but I still have no idea if she has on bottoms.
I drag my palms up the sides of her thighs, stopping at the crease of her hip bones. My thumbs settle there, while my fingers grip the sides of her ass, curious and searching.
“No panties...” If at all possible, my dick grows even thicker under my boxer briefs.
“Just helping you out a bit,” she says on a breath.
“Well, in that case...” I lean back slightly so I can remove my underwear and throw them off to the side of the hot tub.