“That’s very true.” Addison smirks at me and raises a bite of steak up to her mouth. I struggle to look away as the fork disappears between her luscious lips, wishing like hell I was the one sliding between them instead.

Eating steak shouldn’t be sexy, but I’m convinced I could find something sexy in just about anything she does.

“Right,” I say, nodding. “But tell them the rest.”

He sends me a look of annoyance.

“Okay,” he starts slowly. “So I still take classes. Not just ballet, but a variety of styles. I took hip hop once, which was a disaster. Never again.” He shakes his head.

The girls’ laughter rings out, and he joins them. It’s a nice feeling, being surrounded by their enthusiasm, and it’s already helping my mood pick back up.

“I took a few salsa classes, a ballroom class. Only ballet for that one semester,” he continues. “Seriously, though, dance classes are a gold mine for single ladies.”

“Single old ladies,” I mutter. I’m not even sure that’s true, but it gives me another chance to jab at him, so I take it.

“Are you any good?” Addison asks.

“Nope.” He laughs. “And I’m not ashamed. If anything, I think the lack of finesse is what hooks them.”

Oh, please. Drake has never picked up a woman at a dance class, at least not as far as I know. He’s been stuck on Rachel for so long that he hasn’t made much time for other women.

“Anyway,” he says. “That’s why Willow decided to take up dance.”

“At least she didn’t try to play football,” I state.

“Over my dead body,” he says. I hold up my hand for a fist bump, and he pounds his knuckles to mine.

“Addison is also a dancer,” I say. “A real dancer. Not just some pervert who takes a class to pick up women.” I pause, fork halfway to my mouth, and turn to Addison. “At least, I don’t think so.”

She rolls her gorgeous eyes but does so with a smirk. “Well, I wouldn’t call myself a real dancer. It’s mostly fun at this point, and I teach a few classes.”

I beam at her in pride. “And she’s thinking about opening her own studio.”

“What?” Olivia exclaims, grabbing Addison’s forearm. “Since when?”

Addison shrugs while her cheeks warm. “Chase had me thinking about it last night.”

Olivia shifts her confused eyes back and forth between the two of us.

“I mean, why the hell not?” Addison continues. “I’m not working at the firm anymore, and I have no qualifications to do anything else. I think it would be fun to open a small studio. I obviously need to flesh out the details, but it wouldn’t be anything fancy. Just a fun place for young kids to be introduced to dance and grow from there.”

Now Olivia beams at her too. “I love it, Addi. Seriously, you’ll be amazing.”

“Thanks,” she replies, then turns my way. She looks confident and sexy, her lower lip caught between her teeth, tempting me with its plumpness. I feel like a sex-obsessed teenager. I seem to only have one thing on my mind since meeting her.

“Maybe you two could visit sometime, and she can teach you a thing or two,” Olivia says, eyes shining at Drake. If I’m not mistaken, there’s a small glimmer of hope there.

“I think—” Drake begins, suddenly interrupted by faint music coming from down the hallway. “Amazed” by Lone Star blares out.

Rachel’s ringtone.

Drake and Olivia have a short stare off, then he wipes his mouth with a napkin and dismisses himself apologetically.

Addison turns to Olivia with a question in her eyes, which is returned with a muttered, “The ex.”

I’m not sure how to play things or how much Olivia knows, so I choose to sit quietly while Addison and Olivia have a silent conversation.

It seems to end when Olivia shrugs and rights her smile, standing with her plate and heading toward the kitchen. I hop up quickly, stopping her halfway and taking the plate from her hands.