“Yes,” she says simply.

I nod and force myself to say more.“I’m sorry I was dishonest. It was never my intention to hurt you, or Emily, for that matter. When I married Emily, I committed to our family. Our marriage may not be anything more than a piece of paper, but I haven’t allowed myself to have any real feelings for anyone in almost six years. Until you.”

Even in my rationalization, I feel like a dick. I can’t pretend everything’s okay or that it all makes sense. Hell, I don’t even expect Addison to forgive me. I just want to fix the hurt I caused her last night. The hurt I can still see looking back at me.

“I’m sorry too. Running off last night—”

“No, don’t do that,” I interrupt. “Don’t take any responsibility for the mess we’re in. This was all me.”

“Okay,” she says slowly, turning back to the plate in front of her and chewing on her lip. “You’re right, you screwed up. But can I yell at you after I eat these pancakes? Because they look really good, and I can’t focus with them right in my face.”

I smile gently, feeling some of the tension in my shoulders ease. “Yeah, well, Willow doesn’t mess around when it comes to pancakes.”

“I like her already.” She picks up her fork and starts cutting into the fluffy layers before taking a bite. “Okay, these are definitely better than mine.”

“I told you,” I say, digging into my own pile of pancakes. “From scratch is the way to go.”

We sit in silence, like the room isn’t spinning with unasked questions. She finishes her pancakes, while I can only manage a few bites. My stomach is already full of tension. When she’s done, I pick up her plate and take it to the sink. Then I turn back around, checking the time on my phone.

“My parents will be here soon to pick Willow up for the day. Maybe we can talk after they leave? I’m assuming you’re not ready to meet them.” I want to cringe the moment I say it, as if this is the morning after a wild romp, full of hope and possibility for the future.

Is there hope for a future between us?

“Right,” she says, eyes a little wide. She finishes her coffee and brings the cup toward me at the sink. “Probably not the best idea.”

I nod, even though her quick response leaves a sinking feeling deep in my gut. I don’t even know what I expected her to say, but before I can reply, the doorbell pierces the air. I spin to Addison, a small laugh bursting out of me.

I’m not sure why I’m laughing, because nothing about the heaviness of this day is worth grinning about, but here I am, looking like a damn idiot. Maybe I’m delirious. Or the stress of the day is causing me to lose that last shred of sanity I’m trying so desperately to hang on to.

“My parents,” I whisper. I hurry into the foyer just as the door opens in front of me.

“Yoo-hoo! Chase? Willow?” my mother’s voice calls out.

I cover the space in two quick steps and grab the thick door in my large grip. “Good morning, Mom.” I pull the door back as slowly and painfully as I’d pull back a scab.

“Oh, hello, honey,” she responds, placing one hand on my cheek while her burgundy lips connect to the other. “I was worried you didn’t hear the doorbell.”

“For goodness’ sake, Janice. The whole point of a doorbell is so it can be heard throughout the entire house.” My father rests his palm on the door to push it open, greeting me with a warm smile.“Mornin’, son. Sorry to barge in. Your mother is pretty excited for our day with Willow.”

I nod, as if this is a one-time occurrence and isn’t exactly how our greeting goes every single time they come over. As we head into the kitchen, a light sweat pricks my brow, my head spinning to come up with an explanation for the beautiful woman waiting for us. “It’s okay, Pops. This is...”

But when I make it into the room, there’s no one there to introduce.