Chase has a daughter.

Willow is Chase’s daughter.

No matter how many times I let the thought roll around my mind, it still feels foreign. Why didn’t he tell me about her to begin with?

I feel like a fucking idiot for not connecting the dots, but more importantly, I’m pissed. The fact that they talked about her right in front of me and still didn’t bother to explain the connection makes my stomach roil.

I’m pissed at Chase, pissed at Drake—even though it really isn’t his business to tell me—and pissed that this whole situation just got way more complicated when it was already hard enough.

The ride to Drake’s house is quicker than I expected, which is disappointing. I spent the entire drive on autopilot, tears trailing down my cheeks. My heart is burning in my chest and my stomach feels sour, and it’s easier to zone our rather than allow myself to feel... everything.

However, my near panic attack will have to wait, because now I’m sitting in front of a simple dark gray one-story home that can only be described as small and quaint. I pull the sedan up to the curb in front and just sit.

I watch with weary eyes as Drake exits his car, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. I want to get this over with. I want to run and hide. I want to put the car in reverse and never look back. I don’t know what to do or how to feel, and the only person who can make any of this better isn’t even here for me to yell at.

Drake is now staring at me, arms crossed in front of him. I groan, placing my head down on the steering wheel. I take a few shaky breaths and exit the car, then walk up the short driveway and meet him by his car.

“I wasn’t expecting such a cute little house after seeing this hot rod of yours,” I say, tapping my hand on the roof of his car. I follow him up the sidewalk leading to the bright red front door.

“There aren’t many options in the area, if you haven’t noticed. I’m just renting this from Rudy—someone I’m sure you’ll get to know if you plan on sticking around.”

I know Rudy is Chase’s father and I know there’s an unspoken question in Drake’s statement. One that I’m not ready to answer.

He unlocks the door and places his hand at the small of my back, allowing me to step inside before him.

“Oh my god!” I yell, stopping short at the end of the foyer. Without much thought, I take a step in retreat, accidentally slamming against Drake, who grabs ahold of my arms to steady me. “You have a horse in your living room!”

A laugh bursts out of him as he lets me go and quickly passes by me to head into the living room. “Oh, that’s just Kevin.”

“Kevin?” I cackle, still rooted in place. Kevin just lies there, fully stretched out on the big round living room rug, seemingly unbothered by our arrival. I cock my head sideways to get a look at him from another angle.

“Who the hell names a horse Kevin?” I tease.

“He’s a Great Dane,” Drake says, taking off his jacket and grinning my way. He walks over to Kevin, whose long tongue is flopped out of his mouth, and rubs his belly.

“Okay. Who the hell names a Great Dane Kevin, then?” I counter, finally following him into the room but sticking close to the wall for comfort. Kevin opens one droopy eye to give me a once-over. He must decide I’m not worth his time, because he lays his head back down with a yawn. A really big yawn.

“He’s a grumpy old man. He’d just lie here all day if I’d let him,” says Drake, pulling himself back up to his full height and sending me his panty-dropping smile. “I take it you’ve never seen a Great Dane before,” he says simply, heading toward the connected kitchen.

I take the time to give the large living room a quick look. There’s a big TV anchored over a pristine fireplace, and Rockies memorabilia adorns the walls in just a touch more sophisticated fashion than you’d find in a ten-year-old’s bedroom.

It’s a bachelor pad through and through, which should feel tacky, but for Drake, it somehow works.

“No, not really.” I say as he makes his way back into the living room, two bottles of water in hand. He hands me one, which I accept with a grateful smile. “I’ve never been around dogs at all, actually, but I’m guessing that Kevin here must be related to Clifford.”

I know it’s a lame joke, but I’m hoping that filling the empty space with words will help the air feel a little less heavy. He sends me a wink and motions toward the couch, taking a seat on one end while I lower myself down on the opposite side.

He spreads his left arm out on the couch, stretching out his long legs and crossing them at the ankles. He looks as cool as a cucumber, save for the look of guilt dancing on his face.

“You okay?” he asks gently. The compassion in his eyes tells me that he truly cares about the answer, so I decide not to beat around the bush.

“He’s Willow’s Dad.”

I don’t ask. We both know it isn’t necessary. The scene from earlier led me to the only plausible conclusion, and Drake’s silence merely confirms it.

“Is there more I need to know?” I ask, the words coming out on a croak. If I hadn’t spoken them myself, I might not have heard them at all. I’m not sure he even has until he sighs, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees.