Getting turned down by the first guy you flirt with after getting cheated on by your fiancé will sober you up real fast.

After the past few days, I should just swear off men altogether, or at least take a bit more time to lick my wounds before throwing myself at the first available man I come across.

I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep away the tequila and sexual frustration. He was obviously attracted to me—I could feel that. Yet I’ve spent the entire drive home avoiding eye contact and wondering what the hell happened.

In an attempt at keeping my legs from shaking the entire cab of the truck—I’m an anxious bouncer—they’re pulled up underneath me, my hands twisting in my lap. I’m sure I look silly, but my bundle of nerves won’t allow for vanity at this point.

After what feels like an eternity of uncomfortable silence, Chase finally pulls up behind his cabin. Before he can even put the truck into park, I’m undoing my seat belt and hopping out.

Thank goodness dance has kept me limber. I’m prepared to do a full barrel roll out of the truck if it means avoiding the awkward look of pity I know will accompany him walking me to my door.

“Okay, it’s been fun. Thanksgottagobye,” I mumble out as I walk as fast as is acceptable toward the cabin. Unfortunately, my right leg fell asleep during the ride, so I end up looking more like a pirate attempting to gallop.

“Ow. Ow. Ow,” I quietly groan with each step.

“Woah, slow down,” he calls after me. Before I can start up the stairs, he grabs my arm. I whirl to face him, torn between wanting to run inside to hide my embarrassment and feeling relief at not having to maneuver my dead leg up the steps in front of him.

“I’m sorry if I upset you. I feel like an asshole.” He looks genuine and almost... sad.

Now I feel like the asshole.

I sigh, plopping myself down on the steps and giving my foot a little shake as the last of the tingles vibrate up my calf. Chase lowers himself down beside me and rests his arms on his knees, and my eyes are immediately drawn right to his bulging triceps.

“No, I’m the asshole,” I say to his arms. “I have no right to be upset right now. My emotions are just... all over the place tonight.”

“I just want you to respect me,” he mutters.

I gasp, throwing my hands up in the air. “I respect you!”

His shoulder lightly bumps into mine, a small smile on his lips. “I’m kidding.”

Right. Of course. I clear my throat, slowly bringing my hands back to my lap. My mind is screaming at me to walk away before I can embarrass myself further, but I can’t seem to stop the word vomit that’s already bubbling out of my mouth.

“I caught my fiancé cheating on me, so I dumped him and quit my job, then hopped on the first plane here. I wanted to get away and clear my head. Try something new. Be adventurous. Then, boom!” I clap my hands together for emphasis. “There you were—probably the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Can you blame me for wanting to ride you like a pony? You’re so rugged and manly and—oh my god—I really need to shut up now.”

I pull my hoodie-clad hands up to cover my heated cheeks, my eyes searching for the best place to dig a deep, deep hole to bury myself in. Ten feet should just about do it.

“Addison, look at me,” Chase says, his gravelly voice sending shivers over my skin. I wish my body would stop reacting so strongly to him. He’s already turned me down, and yet, I still can’t seem to stop myself from wanting him.

He pulls his leg up between us and lays it on the porch, waiting patiently for me to turn his way. Putting my big girl panties on, I take a deep breath and turn to face him.

“First off, your ex is a dick, and he doesn’t deserve you. Any man would be lucky to wake up to you every morning. And while we’re on that topic, your father is also a dick, and I’m sure you’ll be better off without him breathing down your neck. Second...” He pauses. “Well, you’re right. I can’t fault you for wanting to ride me like a pony.”

His teasing tone allows my muscles to relax, the last of my embarrassment fading away. At some point in his speech, he had laced his fingers with mine, and his thumb is now drawing slow circles along my palm. A fire kindles deep in my belly and quickly spreads throughout my limbs.

“I’m sorry if I was hot and cold earlier. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out with a woman like this. I think you’re beautiful and funny, and I’m already regretting not having sex with you.”

“I’m not asking for any promises, Chase. We’re just two friends, enjoying each other’s company... and bodies. Does that sound so bad?”

“Trust me, it’s not you, Addison. It’s me.”

I pull a face at his words, and he holds up a hand to stop me. “No, hear me out. You’re fucking amazing, but I’m not interested in taking a woman to bed for a night and then just walking away the next day. Even if I were, you’re sure as shit not the type of woman a man just walks away from. You deserve better than that. Especially right now.”

I worry my lip between my teeth, letting his words hang in the air between us. On one hand, that’s the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me, which is actually really depressing. But I can’t let myself delve down the path of my failed relationships at this point.

On the other hand, I’m slightly pissed off at the reaction his words have on me. I’ve somehow managed to find the last remaining gentleman on the planet, and he doesn’t want to sleep with me because he can’t date me.