Page 73 of Falls County


Luke was kissing my ass and I was letting him. He was definitely going to get it when we got home. But right now, at the bar, I would let him kiss on me and hold me. His hands never left me. Whether they were on my thighs or my shoulders he was always touching me.

He leaned in kissing my cheek as the group of people formed around us chatted away. I anchored myself to his bicep leaning my head against him. At this point I had consumed plenty of alcohol making my head a little fuzzy. I had no idea what anyone was talking about, that was the last thing going through my mind. I could only think of the things I wanted Luke to do to me when we got out of here.

Of course he looked sexy as fuck in his dark jeans and cowboy boots. He refused to wear green tonight but the seed corn logo on his ball cap was green. He did that on purpose. I loved the tight grey t-shirt he had on. ‘Freedom isn’t Free’ was written across his chest in bold letters. It pulled at his chest and biceps in a delicious way. A way that had me squeezing my legs together.

Luke noticed my movement. His lips grazed my ear as he whispered for only me to hear. “What dirty thoughts are going through your head baby?”

I went to whisper back to him everything I wanted him to do to me when a voice that sounded like nails on a damn chalkboard interrupted us.

“I’m leaving.”

Jenn hadn’t even crossed my mind for hours. Not until she walked over and placed her slimly lips on Luke’s cheek. Not until she drug her fingernails down his stomach winking.

“I’ll see you later Luke.” She probably thought her voice was sexy. It wasn’t.

Getting off my stool I stalked her out the door. I gripped her arm spinning her around.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Excuse me?” She tried to peel my fingers off her arm but that was not happening. “Get off me.”

“Luke doesn’t fucking want you! How more obvious can it be!” I gripped her skin harder before shoving her back. I could feel Luke behind me watching, waiting. Knowing him, he was in the shadows so Jenn couldn’t see him.

“Oh believe me sister he wants me. He’s wanted me forever. You don’t think I make his cock stand at attention every time I walk in the room? Or that when he’s in bed with you he’s thinking about me?”

That was it. I was done with this cunt. Cocking my arm back my fist flew into the side of her ugly face. She stumbled before barreling into me. Typical fucking Jenn making it a chick fight.

Pulling her hair, I met her eyes with mine. “You’re a fucking cunt! Stay the hell away from Luke!”

I shoved her to the ground when hands wrapped around my waist. Kicking out I tried to peel the arms off of me. They were too big. Too strong. I watched as Drake moved Jenn back until she finally walked away.

Luke deposited me in the pickup before shutting my door. No words were spoken from him just one of his looks that made his eyes smolder. The kind of look I couldn’t tell if I was going to get yelled at or spanked.

Gracey pulled me closer to her in the back seat giving me a high five. “Nice right hook!”

I couldn’t help but laugh. It was a huge belly laugh that lasted until we got to Drake’s house. Kissing Gracey on the cheek I told them goodbye and moved to the front seat.

With the two of them gone you could feel the tension in the pickup. I was fucking pissed off again. I needed to get it out or I would explode. The sight of her touching him like it was the most natural thing in the world killed me. Her words still stung. I hated that I didn’t trust Luke’s word that nothing ever went on between them except the one kiss. I hated even more that he had seen her naked. But was it recently or just all those years ago? My insecurities fuelled my anger.

“What? Just say it.”

I spun in my seat facing him. “Well you and Jenn looked pretty fucking cozy tonight. Hell I looked like the damn third wheel.”

“What the fuck was I suppose to do? She’s the one who came up to me. She literally cornered me!” His hands flew up letting go of the steering wheel before slamming back down into it. “This is just fucking typical! You all pissed off at me for something I didn’t even do! I should be pissed at you for getting into a cat fight with her!”

“You could have moved!” The sight of her running her hands up and down his arms and stomach was still burned into my skull.

“I was in the God damn corner Kaci!”

“You should have told her to quit fucking touching you!”

“I did! Hell so did you but that didn’t fucking stop her!”

The pickup skidded to a stop in front of Luke’s house. Throwing open the door he jumped out. Luke rounded the front of the pickup and flung open my door. Grabbing my waist, he chucked me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing!? Put me down!” I clawed at his back. His hand came down on my ass sending a fire throughout my body. “Luke!”