Page 60 of Falls County

Dad and the team were racing towards us with all sorts of gear in their hands.

“I love you.”

“I love you too Luke.”

I held on to those words as they put a collar around her neck and rolled her onto a hard board. She kept crying and telling them what happened and where she was hurting the most at. I couldn’t stand to see her in this much pain. As they loaded her up on the rig my heart sank.

“I’m going with.” I yelled as I jumped in.

“No son its best you just follow.” One of dads friends said.

“Fuck you I’m not leaving her.”

“He can ride up front with me.” Someone yelled. Quickly I made my way to the front seat as they continued to assess Kaci.

We took off speeding down the county roads to get to the highway. I kept looking back at her as they began cutting her jeans and coat off her. She was in a daze from the medicine they had given her.

“Luke! Luke!” She screamed and began to trash around.

“Kaci honey, you’ve got to stay as still as you can okay?” Dad held her arms.

“I’m right here baby.” I called out trying to calm her down.

The paramedic pushed more medicine into her arm. Kaci’s eyes fluttered as she drifted back to sleep.