Page 58 of Falls County


As I waited in line for the bathroom I could hear the cleats banging on the concrete. Turning I watched as the boys walked back from the locker room onto the field. Luke made his way to the chain length fence that separated us.

“Nice bow.”

“Nice ass.”

“Com’er give me a kiss.” He pushed closer to the fence.

Stepping forward he reached my hips pulling me into him. My lips melted against his.

“Carter let’s go!” One of the assistant coach’s called Luke.

“Good luck.” I pecked him once more. “Love you.”

“I love you too baby.”

Stepping back in line I watched as he jogged back in line with the rest of the players.

Stuffing my mouth full of popcorn, I watched as the guys tossed the football back and fourth. A hand dipped in my popcorn, swinging my head to the side I was ready to rip some ass until I realized it was just Gracey.

“What’s on your nose?”


“There’s black stuff all over your nose.” Gracey licked her thumb before swiping my face. “Okay got it.”

“Oh my God. It’s Luke’s eye black. He never wears it but everyone wanted to for this game.” I was talking more to myself then to her.

“Relax it’s fine. Cheer captain won’t freak out I got it.”

I hated Jenn. She wanted Luke so bad it hurt. I felt bad for her for how desperate she was around him.

“Did she get on your ass about Drew’s button on your skirt?”

“No. Why would she?”

Throwing more popcorn in my mouth I started to pace. “She’s always on my ass about mine! I’m fucking sick of it!”

As if on queue her totty little ass came strutting by. “Ladies! There’s a minute left lets do some stretches.”

Fuck her and her stretches. I got closer to the field trying to decipher what dad was saying in the huddle. I could only make out bits and pieces. I heard, this is our year, and they’ll have to fight us tooth and nail for the victory, before everyone’s helmets went in the air as they yelled Tigers.

“Let’s go boys!” I hollered from the sidelines.

My insides melted at the wink Luke gave me as he back peddled onto the field. I was such a goner for him. We hadn’t talked about college much but I knew he had his pick of scholarships. Would he take any? No. He would never leave the farm, that I knew. Just like I knew he would never leave me.