Page 50 of Falls County


I needed to put more distance between us. This was too much to fast. We couldn’t just go back to normal. Like we were both our old selves again. I knew she was broken but so was I. She was confusing the hell out of me. One minute she would non stop text me then the next she wouldn’t reply.

Tonight we were supposed to meet at the bar. I didn’t know what it was we were doing. I hadn’t seen her for a week since we went on that drive. I simply kissed her goodnight and that was that.

Once I got to the bar I picked a table towards the back instead of at the bar. I wanted to be kind of secluded. We had shit to talk about. I was a grown ass man and had no intention of playing cat and mouse with Kaci.

Walking in she took my breath away. In an oversized sweater and leggings, she was beautiful. Strutting up to the bar to order a drink I couldn’t help but watch her every movement. I watched how the new bartender looked her up and down to the way the guy leaned over closer to her saying something. She smiled and said something back but I knew that was her I don’t want to be rude smile.

Kaci made her way over to me. “Hey!” She was happy.

She slid into the seat across from me. “How was your day?”

She stirred her drink before looking back up at me. Those hazel eyes took me in.

“It was alright. Got the harvest mess all cleaned up and started hauling corn.”

“That’s exciting. Did you eat supper?”


Conversation had never been forced between us except for right now. Even when she first came back. We both knew what we needed to say but we both weren’t ready to say it.

“So…” We started at the same time.

Laughing it was a round of, “You go first.”

I continued. “Why’d you come back?”

Her face paled even more than it already was. Sitting up in her seat she spoke. “I missed you. A lot. I realized some stuff and I needed to come back.”

“What did you realize?”

“That the accident was never your fault. We can’t change what happened. And that I put all my anger on you and for that I’m so sorry. And I need you in my life.” Looking down she stirred her drink more. “In whatever way you’ll let me.”

Her words tore through my chest. “Well I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I love you Kaci, I do, I just feel so guarded around you now. Like you’re going to leave any second.”

“Luke I’m not. I promise. I’ll do anything I can to show you that.”

“I know. I’m just not ready to dive back in full speed yet.” Scrubbing a hand down my face I could tell she was upset. “Can we just get to know each other again? Start there.”

“Yeah of course.” She sipped her drink.

Leaning forward in my seat I took her hand in mine. “Promise me something?”


“You won’t talk to other guys more than in a friendly way. You won’t hang out with other guys.”

“Of course I won’t. It’s you Luke.” She squeezed my hand. “Promise me too?”

Acting deep in thought I finally replied. “Well Drake won’t like that.”

Laughing she swatted my hand. “You know what I meant!”

“I promise.”

“Good.” She smiled at me.