He was probably busy. But then again he was always busy and he had always sucked at texting back. This day felt like forever. Usually I loved a day off. I could catch up on laundry and my favorite TV shows. All I could do today was reach for my phone every time I heard a noise. He already had me feeling like a love sick teenager, again.
Finally giving up I texted him.
Right when I was on the brink of sleep I heard my phone buzzing. Opening one eye I reached for it on the night stand. Luke.
Sorry it’s been crazy as fuck today and Bentley chewed up my phone charger I keep in the combine and my phones been dead for awhile but I’m just leaving the field heading home. Goodnight hope you’ll let me see you tomorrow sleep tight
Smiling I sat my phone down and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow I only had to work half a day so maybe he could come over for dinner. Maybe.
I dreamt of Luke. Of him in this house with me.
The ringing would not stop. Groaning I shut my alarm off.
I woke in a panic. Checking the time, I was going to be late. Fuck. Quickly I threw on a long sleeve dress and boots before running out the door. In the car I finger combed my hair into a mess on top of my head. At the stop sign I turned onto the highway to head to work only to be stopped by a big green combine.
Somehow it didn’t matter to me anymore that I was going to be late for work. Not in the slightest. I would gladly sit behind him and wait. That farmer up there was mine. My family. He always had been and always would be.
Even when he moved clear to the side of the road to let me pass I continued to follow. I followed the whole two miles until he turned on the road that lead to the shop. When he turned he looked back and gave me a big wave. Bentley jumped on the window his tail wagging. My boys. Well I hoped they would be again.
Grabbing my phone, I texted Luke.
Dinner tonight?
Name the time and place
7:00 my house
I was so playing with fire.
I’ll be there
I hoped I would have plenty of time to shower and cook once I got off work. Shit and I needed to shave. Literally from head to toe. It would be fine. Everything would work out. Now I just had to decide what the hell to cook him. His mom was a tough competitor. They say foods the way to a mans heart. Hopefully there weren’t too many pieces missing I could somehow fit back into it.
I got to the store with fifteen minutes to spare. I quickly counted the drawers before flicking on the lights and music. Digging in my purse I found deodorant. Thank God. After applying it I popped a stick of gum in my mouth. It would have to do. On the way to unlock the door I sprayed on some of the tester perfume.
As I was straightening the front table my phone pinged.
Snapchat: Luke.
It was a picture of him in front of the combine with a respirator mask on and air hose in hand. Let’s blow this bitch off was written across the screen.
Responding with a picture of the table I was re-folding I typed, Trade you.
Turning my phone on vibrate I went back to the table. There were a few customers that stopped in mostly just to look around. The most excitement was a mom and daughter shopping for senior picture clothes. As I was checking them out my phone vibrated in my pocket. After the customers left I pulled it out.
A picture of Luke bearing all his teeth looking very unamused came across the screen with the words, trust me you don’t want to.
Laughing I snapped a picture of the store writing, if you say so.
You know that feeling when you want to hide from someone so you don’t have to say hi but you can’t? Yeah that was me right now. In walked Jenn Casey, aka the biggest bitch to ever go through Glenwood High. I couldn’t stand her. She had been all over Luke since grade school.
“I heard you were back. Had to come see for myself.” She looked me up and down with a glare.
Plastering on a fake smile I nodded. “Good to see you too Jenn.”