Page 41 of Falls County

Pausing with my hand on the door handle I looked back, “Yeah mom?”

“Let’s not get her knocked up. I’m too young to be a grandma.”

“Mom!” Oh God now that’s exactly what I would think about when I saw Kaci. She just smiled and hugged me before going back into the kitchen.

The drive to Kaci’s house was fairly short. Her family lived in town while mine lived in the country. I pulled onto Kaci’s street and she was already in the driveway. Rolling to a stop she jumped into the passenger seat of my old three-seater pickup I got from my grandpa last year.

Lifting up the center console she scooted into the middle right by me. “So where to?”

“Wherever you want to go.”

She was even more beautiful up this close and personal with no other distractions. Her ice blonde hair was in a loose braid that fell down the middle of her back. Today her eyes almost seemed more honey than green. Her smile beamed big and bright. I knew in that moment taking her all in that I could never go back to just being her friend. She was already pulling me in and she didn’t even know it.



Placing her hand on my thigh she kept talking, “Did you hear me?”

“No sorry.” I was too busy eye fucking you.

“I said are we going to sit in my driveway all night?” She laughed.

Smiling at her I winked. “No. No we are not.”

Putting the pickup in reverse I backed out before heading out to the back roads. Kaci’s hand was till anchored to my thigh. I hadn’t felt her hands on me since the back to school party. She hummed along with the radio. Turning onto a gravel road she pressed even closer to me.

Her finger shot out in front of my face. “Oh my gosh horses! I love horses!”

Chuckling I slowed to a stop. “Those are ours.”

“What you have horses? Who are you?”

“I’m a farmer. You should know this.” I smiled at her. “You want to pet them?”

“Duh!” She reached across me opening the door.

Jumping out we walked up to the fence. I whistled for them and they all came running. We had five horses. In my opinion it was five too many.

As she stroked Daisy, Lilly named them not me, she looked my way. “Why don’t you wear a cowboy hat?”

“Why would I?”

She leaned on the fence beside me. “Because you’re a cowboy.”

Laughing I turned her way. “Not a cowboy.”

“But you have horses and cows.” Kaci motioned to the animals in front of us.

“I’m a farmer honey. Over my dead body will I ever wear a cowboy hat.”

Smiling she skipped back to the pickup. “Let’s go see some cows now.”

I couldn’t help but smack her butt as she got in the pickup from the driver’s side. “Shit I’m sorry.”

“Why?” She beamed beside me.

“Well, I don’t know.” I pulled my ball cap off and itched my head.