Page 9 of Falls County

“Jenn.” He nodded trying to step to the side.

“Oh Kaci we missed you at the party last weekend.” What party?

Luke had that oh fuck look. My blood started to boil. Plastering a smile on my face I pretended to know exactly what she was talking about.

“Sorry. I didn’t feel like hanging out with you guys.” The sarcasm dripped from my voice.

“That’s okay.” She pouted rubbing Luke’s arm. “We took good care of Luke for you.”

I lifted Jenn’s arm away from Luke. Stepping in front of him I sneered at her. “I’m sure you did. But not like I took care of him when he got home.”

I could feel Luke’s stomach contract behind me as he stifled a laugh. Jenn raked her eyes up and down me in disgust. I gave the same look right back to her. That bitch.

“Well, you better get going. It was so lovely to see you.” I make sure to whip my hair as I turned around pushing Luke through the crowd until we were outside.

“Look I can…” He started but I held my hand up stopping him.

“I don’t have it in me to fight tonight. You look sexy as fuck right now and I’m super horny so don’t ruin it.”

His adams apple bobbed up and down. “Okay.”

“Yes or no. You went to the party without telling me? Or did you lie and say you were fishing with Drake?”

“I went fishing with Drake then we stopped by the party.” Luke shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Did you flirt back with Jenn?”


“Okay.” I stood on my tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

I trusted him maybe a little too much. He had never done anything to break that. His only flaw was sucking at communication. I knew he was working on it. But it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt sometimes.

Turning to go back inside Luke’s hand found mine pulling me into him. His lips covered mine before his tongue snaked in. Deepening the kiss, a fire started to brew inside me.

“I’m sorry baby.”

Who was I kidding I could never stay mad at this man. “I know.”

“I love you Kac.” He smirked showing his dimple. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“I love you too.”

Everyone danced the night away. The keg was floating way too soon and the shooters covered the floor. People were laying down passed out or sleeping everywhere. Stepping over the bodies Luke and I made our way outside. Sometime throughout the night he pushed his hat backwards. More people covered the lawn still chatting amongst their groups. Couples lined the house making out or talking.

Luke pulled me in the direction of the barn. The red paint was chipping off of it. Not much was in the barn anymore but old junk. Walking in the space seemed huge. Leading me up the stairs the loft was still full of hay bales.

Luke faced me his eyes heating. His hand cupped the side of my face the other snaked around my back. “I’m so glad I’m not going to college. I couldn’t handle being away from you.”

His lips smashed into mine. Our tongues dueled. Breaking contact, we panted.

“How much have you had to drink?” Luke tugged his shirt over his head.

My breath hitched even more at the sight of him. “The one drink and the one shot.”

“Good.” He wanted to make sure I was sober. Leaning down he spread his shirt out on one of the hay bales. “So you won’t itch.”

His lips found mine again before he pushed my shirt up over my head. Reaching for my jeans he snapped the button. My heart pounded in my chest. The ache between my legs intensified.

“Luke.” I moaned as he dipped a finger inside. My fingers made quick work of his belt and jeans before I pushed them down his legs. His erection sprang free. Gripping it he hissed and added another finger.

Once I was primed he laid me down on his shirt before stripping my jeans off. He kissed up my body to my lips. Poised at my entrance he pushed in slowly. Gasping I pushed my hips up begging him for more. Finding our rhythm Luke’s mouth came down on mine. He kissed me greedily as I pushed my tongue between his lips. He shuttered above me thrusting harder.

I matched him thrust for thrust wrapping my legs around his waist. Breaking the kiss, I trailed kisses down his neck. I could feel him starting to pulse, he was close. Pressing my lips to his I found my own release his following after mine. Luke’s forehead came down on my shoulder.

“Fuck I love you.”