Page 75 of Falls County


Getting out of the tractor I was exhausted. I craned my neck side to side willing it to pop. I hadn’t heard from Kaci since she got off work at six. It was almost eleven o’clock now. Climbing in my pickup I reached for my phone shooting her a text.

Just leaving the field

Her response was almost immediate.

Okay. See you when you get home

The fact that she was comfortable enough to be at my house without me there made me smile. I loved it when she was there. And she had been for most nights I got out of the field since I started planting this week.

I didn’t realize how much I took the stuff that she did for me for granted. It was amazing to have my lunch already packed in the morning and sent out the door with a kiss. It was even better to come home to her dancing in the kitchen with a hot meal for me.

I hadn’t brought up her marrying me again since the night we let it all out last month. But God did I want to. The ring was still in the velvet box on my night stand. I know she knew exactly where it was. She hadn’t asked me about it either. First I had to get her to agree to move in with me then I would get on one knee for her. Again.

Pulling into my driveway Bentley was outside running around to greet me. I chambered out of the pickup, lunch box and thermos in hand, and headed into the house. It smelled clean and like fresh baked something. Not like dirt and grease.

“Something smells good in here.” I called out as I took my boots off in the mud room.

Kaci’s head popped around the corner. “Thanks. Hope you’re hungry.”


As I walked through the house I took in how clean it was. There was no laundry in my usually overflowing hampers. There was no dirt and dog hair lining the hallway. Getting into the kitchen there was nothing on the countertops and no dishes in the sink. I was normally a clean person but during my busy seasons I didn’t have the time or the energy.

“Kac did you do all this?” I motioned around the house.

“Yeah I hope you don’t mind.” She reached in the cupboard for a plate.

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” I bent down and bushed my lips on hers.

Opening the oven, she pulled out a black oval thing I didn’t think I owned. Taking off the lid she piled my plate full of chicken fried steak. On the stove was mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy.

“What did I do to deserve this?” It was one of my favorite meals.

Taking my plate to the table she sat down. “Here sit it’s going to get cold.”

I shoved a bite of potatoes in my mouth and nearly moaned at how amazing it tasted. Cutting into my steak I could tell there was something on her mind, I just needed to give her time to think it through in her head before she would say it out loud.

“So I was thinking…” She started but stopped.

“About?” I spurred her on.

“Well, I’m here almost all the time anyways. And your house is a lot bigger than mine. Besides, we know you’ll live here forever unless you decide to build a house.”

“Yeah.” I knew exactly where she was going with this. It was finally her idea.

“So… what if I… you know, stayed here. Like all the time. Like my stuff was here with your stuff.”

Looking up at how nervous she was I couldn’t help but smile. She was so damn cute. If it was up to me she would have moved in here three months ago. “Are you asking to move in with me Kaci?”

Getting up from the table she paced the kitchen. “Well not if you don’t want me to.”

I took my plate to the sink and wrapped my arms around her waist. Lowering my mouth to hers I kissed her. “Of course I want you to move in with me baby. I don’t like waking up and you’re not here.”

“Thank God.” She jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist. “I love you.”

“I love you too baby.”