Page 7 of Falls County

He would find out eventually. I didn’t mind the idea of him finding out and storming over to the house demanding answers.

A smile tugged at my lips. Gracey was in Drake’s pickup as we headed out to the Old Carls… my house. She said we needed a trailer and pickup to throw all the shit we were getting rid of into. We were going to see what we could clean up first then head to town for some paint and whatever else later.

Driving down the gravel driveway memories of us at this place flooded back to me. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. They were all good, great memories. Nothing sad or heartbreaking just amazing times we had here at this very house. Now it was all mine.

“Earth. Earth to Kaci.” Gracey snapped her fingers at me.


“Dude are you thinking about the last time you got laid here or what?” Looking at her, her face was dead serious.

Bursting out in laughter I covered my face. “You sounded just like Drake there.”

“I did didn’t I?” We both died laughing.

Once my cheeks were numb and my belly ached I reached for the handle. Getting out of the pickup we made our way up the walk into the house. The sidewalk was cracked in a lot of places. Weeds had overtaken the lawn. The screen door had a hole in the screen while the inside door was cracked and faded. Walking inside the concrete porch still had an old yellow washer and dryer sitting inside.

“Should we get rid of these?” Gracey pointed to the appliances.

“Yeah. Fran told mom they don’t work anymore.”

“I’ll grab the dolly.” She ran to the pickup and lifted it out of the bed.

“Wh…” I started before she cut me off.

“Drake gave me everything he thought we would need so you didn’t hurt yourself more.”

Drake was the best best friend anyone could ask for. Over the years he had become a brother to me. Since Luke and I split I haven’t talked to him much. Last year Gracey told me they were talking more and I was happy for her. He was a way better guy than anyone else she dated from our town.

Gracey pushed the dolly over to the washer. “Okay you hold the dolly I will push the washer on it.”

She somehow managed to heave the washer onto the dolly with a lot of frustration and cussing. I wasn’t much help until it was time to tilt it back. Putting my foot on the bar I leaned it back while she kept pushing and held it in place on the way to the trailer. We repeated the process with the dryer.

I grabbed the box of trash bags from the pickup before we headed inside the house. Walking in from the porch there were two steps up that lead straight into a small living room area with a back closet and bathroom.

The house was empty except for a dresser and a piano they left behind. Hauling out the dresser on the dolly we went back for the piano. Thank God it had wheels.

Gracey and I walked around from room to room picking up all the trash that was left behind from all the parties and people that came out here. In the main living area there was a pile of empty 99 Bananas shooters.

Holding one up I motioned to Gracey. “How the fuck are these still here? There’s gotta be at least thirty of them.”

Laughing she zoomed over to me. “Oh my goodness! Do you remember the look on everyone’s face when Drew started handing these out?”

“Yeah he was like, ‘We’re gonna get fucked up tonight!’” I mocked him as we threw all the bottles in the trash bag.

“Did I tell you that Drake and I made out behind the barn cause Lee and I got into this huge fight about only God knows what and called it?”

“Stop, serious?”

She laughed. “As a heart attack. But people were like having sex in there I swear. We kept hearing them the whole time.”

I could feel my face heating. “It was Luke and I.”

Pulling my hands away from my face she pinned me with a look. “Kaci Marie! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me about Drake?”

“Well because…” We finished the sentence at the same time mocking Nick’s speech he gave that night. “What happens at the Old Carlson Place stays at the Old Carlson Place.”

Depositing the last of the shooters in the trash bag Gracey and I looked at each other lost in the past.

“That was one hell of a night.”