Page 63 of Falls County


Seven Years Ago

Walking out of the locker room I searched the crowd for Kaci. She would be in her usual spot, leaned up against the brick wall of the school. I made my way through the crowd getting high fives and fist bumps. As I rounded the corner she leapt into my arms.

“How’s it feel to be going to state?!”

“Not as good as the feeling of you in my arms.”

She shoved at my chest. “You’re so cheesy.”

“Just for you baby.” I threw my arm over her shoulder as we made our way to my pickup.

Everyone along the way congratulated us on the win. It felt fucking amazing. I was excited to play at the State Championship. I knew there would be more scholarship offers in the mail after the game but I would toss them like I always did.

Farming was my life. It was in my blood. What was I supposed to do? Go to some fancy college and get a degree in something I didn’t give a shit about. Then what? What happened after the four years were up? Life, that’s what happened. I wanted life to happen right now.

I tossed mine and Kaci’s bags in the bed of the pickup while she climbed in the backseat. “We don’t need to stop by my house.”

Getting in I started the engine. “Why’s that?”

She lifted her cheer top over her head reviling a red lace bra. Our eyes met in the rearview mirror. I watched as she slid her skirt down her legs showing off a matching thong.

“Kaci.” I warned.

A knock on the window startled us both. “Fuck!”

Kaci ducted down and threw a blanket over herself as I rolled down the window. Drake poked his head in.

“Where’s Kaci?”

“Bathroom. What’s up?”

I willed my heart rate to slow down but all I could think of was Kaci in that lingerie.

“You guys going to the party?”

“Yeah we’ll probably swing by later.”

Drake lifted his hands off the window. “Later? Dude were going to fucking state!”

I wasn’t going to bullshit him. “We’ll be there after we have sex okay?”

“Have an orgasm for me would ya?” He high fived me before stalking off.

Taking a deep breath, I put the truck in drive and headed to the river bridge. It was our private land so no one would be there. Besides it was Kaci and I’s spot.

“Just wait until I’m out of the parking lot Kac.”

Her head popped up as she got back into the seat the blanket still wrapped around her. “What fun is that?” The blanket dropped exposing her breasts.

She cupped them watching me watch her. “Not fair.”

“Better drive fast.”

The blanket that covered her waist disappeared as she got on her knees in the backseat gathering up her clothes. Fuck I couldn’t get there fast enough. We would be lucky to even make it to the party tonight. I had one thing on my mind and that was ripping the lace off of Kaci’s velvet skin before I showed her just how much I loved her.

Sweat poured off my face. My whole body was on fire. Squirting water in my mouth I looked up at the score board. The other team had just kicked a field goal, making it, so we were down by three. There was two minutes left in the fourth quarter.