Page 6 of Falls County


Welcome to Falls County. Home of the Tigers.

That sign made my heart race. I slowed on the highway past the one blinking light we had and turned onto main street. A few blocks down I made another left turn and pulled into my parent’s driveway. The grey two story house stared back at me. Taking a deep breath, I killed the engine and headed inside.

Mom was in the kitchen baking. She probably didn’t hear me come in over the radio she always had on when she’s in the kitchen.

“Hi mom.”

Jumping she whipped around. “Kaci! You’re here already! Sorry sweetie I didn’t hear you come in.” She gave me a side hug careful to not get anything from her apron on me. “Your dads still at practice but I thought I’d whip us up some cookies.”

“Snickerdoodle?” I smiled.

“Of course! Now let me get these in the oven and I’ll help you carry in.”

“No no, I can get it mom.”

“Okay fine. But don’t complain when your back hurts!” She waved the batter covered whisk at me.

“I won’t!”

I carried the few boxes from my car up to my room. When I opened the door it was like a time capsule. The blue flowered bedspread was still covering the bed. My pillows arranged neatly with my favorite front and center. Drake’s aunt sewed all of us girlfriends throw pillows my junior year, Luke’s senior year. The team got new jerseys and the boys got to keep their old ones. I hated to leave it behind but I couldn’t take it with me. It belonged here in this room with everything else of Luke.

Pictures of Luke and I were spread all around my mirror above my dresser. Ones of us after games, at bonfires, at The Gates, even a couple of us at the Old Carlson Place. Well, now it was my place. Pain sliced through my chest. All these memories, a whole life, growing together with my best friend. Sobs racked though my body. I sat down on my bed and hugged the #37 pillow to my chest. Tears continued to spill down my face. What was I going to do if he didn’t want me back?

My mom came in with my purse. Sitting on the bed next to me she put her arm around me. “Oh honey what it is? Is it your back?” She began to rub it like the doctors showed us how to.

Wiping my tears, I looked down at my pillow. “My backs fine mom.”

“You miss Luke.” It was a statement, not a question.

“All the time.” I choked out between sobs.

“Can you forgive him?”

“I already have, he just doesn’t know it yet.” I turned to face her. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore?”

“Oh sweetheart that man is so in love with you. And besides, what’s not to want?” She patted my leg.

I sniffed as my tears dried. Putting my pillow back I stood. I scrubbed my hands down my face and through my hair. “Do you need help making dinner?”

“Of course! Your dad suggested fried chicken since you were coming back today. You know I told him he needs to watch his cholesterol better but he doesn’t seam to care. I tell you that man…” She talked the whole way down the stairs and into the kitchen as she was getting out pans.

Dammit I missed this.

I missed being home.

I missed Falls County.

“Does he know its me?”

“No! I just said a friend.”

“Gracey! He totally knows its me! I’m like your only friend!” I tugged on my ball cap. “You know he’s going to tell Luke. You know that!”

“He won’t. Trust me.” She side eyed me from the wheel.

All the fight left me. “Fine.” Whatever.