Page 44 of Falls County

She scuffed, “Do you really think Luke is going to take you back?”

If looks could kill. “Excuse me?”

“I mean common Kaci, look at you.” Her slimly little fingers waved around at me. Bitch. “Why on earth would he be with you when he could be with me?”

Her voice was like nails on a fucking chalkboard. If she was going to get right down to business you bet your sweet ass so was I.

“That’s funny considering he could have been with you the past eight years but was with me.”

“So you think. You’ve been gone. And I’ve been here.”

Laughing a fake laugh I clapped my hands together. “When are you going to realize that he obviously doesn’t want to be with you? I mean, common Jenn.” My voice dripped with sarcasm.

“We’ll see about that. You don’t know what happened while you were away.” With that she whipped her stupid pixie cut hair and strutted out of the store.

I always hated her. What if Luke had been with her while I was gone? Panic slammed into my chest. Fuck, I hated her even more. She was one of those girls who couldn’t take a hint. And of course her locker was right next to Luke’s in school. It never failed when we would be standing there talking in between classes she would butt bump him and say something stupid.

I hated girls.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I decided to make fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. One of Luke’s favorites. He probably hadn’t had a hot home cooked meal since the start of harvest, well except a plate his mom left in his microwave for when he would get home.

After I showered it was an inner battle on what to wear. I wanted to look nice but also casual and comfy. I wanted this to be a date but at the same time also a re-get-to-know-you type thing. Ugh. Finally, I decided on leggings and a t-shirt. It was good enough. Hell he’d seen me in worse.

Putting music on the speaker I got to work battering the chicken. As the potatoes were boiling and I was flipping chicken dancing around Luke’s voice floated through the air.

“Kaci?” He called out.

Walking around the corner towards the mud room I almost ran into him. He looked absolutely stunning in just a simple t-shirt and jeans. Wrapped in his hands was a bouquet of wildflowers. A mixture of yellows, purples, blues, and oranges. My favorite.

“Uh, these are for you.” He thrust the flowers towards me.

“Thanks Luke they’re beautiful.” I pressed them up to my nose reaching for them. His hand pulled back to stop them from touching my face. “They were pretty close to some ragweed so be careful. Actually why don’t you let me put them in some water for you.”

“Okay. Yeah. Thanks.” I grabbed out a vase for him and filled it with water. Once he was done with that he pushed his hands into his pockets and began to pace. That was always one of the things he did when he was nervous. I started mashing the potatoes.

“Well common in make yourself at home. Dinner is about done I just have to make the gravy.”

Walking behind me he placed his hands on my shoulders. Something he probably didn’t even realize he did most of the time. With me being a foot shorter than him it was like I was his own little arm rest.

“It smells awesome Kaci.” He rounded me taking a spoon full of potatoes and shoved them into his mouth. Luke opened his mouth puffing around the food. “Ha ha ha hot.”

“You never learn do you.”

Conversation came easy. We didn’t really touch on who we had been doing the last year but rather what. Although I wanted to know I really didn’t want to know. I couldn’t handle it.

Sitting here at this table, staring at Luke, memories came flooding back to me.

Memories of us. My heart raced.

I longed for his touch. I craved the way his beard felt on my neck when he would kiss my cheek. I missed how when he would wake up for work he never turned the light on and would kiss my forehead whispering, I love you.

It was then in that moment after two glasses of wine and an ache in my chest that only he could fix I made the decision.

“Do you want to see the rest of the house?”

“Yeah I do.” Luke pushed up from his seat.

Walking through the kitchen I showed him the back room. “You know there was that wall here with the tiny closet, I tore that out to make the laundry room and half bath together as one.”