“Goodnight. Love you guys.”
“Love you.” They both said before hanging up the phone.
I rolled over in the lumpy bed willing myself to go to sleep. The past year I’d been staying at an old friend’s house. Her mom and mine were friends until mom moved out to Falls and met my dad. She lived a few towns over from Falls making it about an hour drive away.
Tash was great. Except, she liked to party, a lot. Like excessively. She kept trying to get me to hangout with all these guys and truth was, I didn’t want to. Not in the slightest. She thought partying and being with other guys would help with my heartbreak. “Get under someone to get over someone.” She was constantly telling me. Nope. There was no one else I wanted besides Luke. He was my first everything. My only everything. I wanted it to stay that way.
Getting out of bed I headed to the bathroom. I could hear the music thumping in the basement. Quickly I went to the bathroom and washed my face before heading back to my room. I locked the door before flipping off the light. With just the lamp on I stripped down and crawled into bed. Pressing his sweatshirt against my chest I drifted off dreaming of when I would see him again. If I would see him again.
Waking up that next morning I was exhausted. Turns out if you want a good nights sleep you have to actually sleep. I kept scooting back thinking I would hit Luke. But he wasn’t there.
My body was on auto. On my way to shower I made a whole pot of coffee. I only needed one cup but Luke would drink a whole pot plus some. Dumping in enough sugar to kill someone I watched the coffee drip into the pot. Old habits die hard.
As I got ready for work I barely recognized myself anymore. Bags were permeant under my eyes. My blonde hair was stringy and turning yellow due to lack of self care. I had lost a lot of weight I didn’t really have to lose in the first place. So now all my clothes hung off me. The scars on my back were healed up but they were still an angry red color and puffy. I couldn’t let Luke see me like this.
Rolling eye balm on my bags I tried to cover the bags up. It was no use. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and headed back to my room. In my closet I reached for a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. At the diner there wasn’t really a uniform except my stupid apron. And it was freezing cold in there.
It was only a block from the house so there was no need to drive. I moved around all the cars and made my way down the sidewalk. I could have chosen a million different jobs when I moved out here but I wanted this one. Easy cash and I didn’t have to drive to get there. Besides, when the time comes I can quit without giving a proper notice. Which would hopefully be soon. I told them this was a temporary thing when I applied.
The morning rush was usual. Old guys getting coffee and the same breakfast as the day before. Once my section cleared out I headed into the break room. Dialing my mom, I waiting for her to answer.
“Good morning honey. Okay I called Fran and she said everything is out of it so it’s ready whenever you want to move in. But they do want to keep it kind of hush hush you know. I figured you probably did to.”
“Oh my gosh mom that’s amazing!” I jumped up and down in the break room.
“And your dad called the bank and Jack has the paperwork all drawn up for you.”
Tears started rolling down my cheeks. “Thank you guys.”
“Of course. And Knox will be back from college this weekend so he can help carry the big stuff for you. You know your dads back…” She continued rambling on and on but I didn’t hear a word she said. I was too happy. Too nervous. Nervous but excited.
I went out and told my boss I quit. I hated this place and this town anyways. After my shift was finished I went back to Tash’s and started packing up the few things I had brought with me. The only things that mattered anymore.