“You can’t hide out all the time,” Jameson says.

“I’m not hiding. I’m just…feeling sorry for myself.”

“What happened?” Seth takes a long enough break from shoving ice cream in his mouth to ask.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t want me.” I shrug my shoulders because there’s nothing else to say. I want her, but she doesn’t want me back. And it sucks.

“What are you going to do about it?” Jameson asks.

“I’m going to respect her decision even though I think it’s wrong. I’m not going to harass her. I’m tempted to, but I won’t. If she changes her mind, then great. But until then, I’ll be here, drowning my sorrows in sugar.”

“Then, we’ll be right here with you,” Jameson says. He takes a spoon out of the drawer and sits on my other side. Seth hands him the ice cream, and he takes a bite.

I’ll never admit it to them, but I’m glad they came over. I don’t know what I would do without them getting in my business all the time. Probably turn into a crotchety old hermit who yells at little kids to get off his lawn. These guys are more than friends; they’re brothers. Maybe Norah doesn’t love me or want me, but at least they do.