“Then you should have been more convincing,” she says. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and drags me to lunch with her. Millie says that I need French fry therapy, so we go to Bob’s Burgers. They have the best fries—the perfect greasy-to-crispy ratio. They are very therapeutic.

We’re seated in a booth before she finally demands to know what’s behind my sour mood. I tell her all about the unexpected kiss with Seth, Colby walking in and losing his temper, and the conversation I overheard between them. Millie looks almost as heartbroken as I feel. She reaches over, grabs my hands, and looks me right in the eyes.

“Hannah, men are just plain stupid. He’ll come to his senses.”

“I doubt it. And besides, I sent my resumé out to a few places in Austin last week. I got a phone call this morning for an interview,” I tell her. I wasn’t planning to say anything about it until I knew if I got the job or not. I don’t want anyone trying to talk me out of leaving Waverly. After that kiss and hearing Seth assure Colby that it meant nothing to him, I know with absolute certainty that I cannot stay here.

“Please tell me you said no,” Millie says. Her eyes pool with water, and I have to look away. I’m already sad enough. I can’t let her tears sway me.

“I’m going to the interview on Wednesday. I’ve already talked to Gertrude about taking the day off.”

“Hannah…” Millie starts, but the waitress comes to my rescue and places our food in front of us. I take a huge bite of my burger to avoid having to answer any more questions. I didn’t want to have this conversation today at all.