Page 34 of Bride



This is bizarre.I’ve never lived with a woman. We leave Tennyson in his room, with Faye, after spending an hour or so for them to get to know each other. Clementine was nervous to leave him alone with her, but after speaking with her and learning of her credentials, she eased into this a bit more.

“You have to understand, Clementine, I would never let any harm come to you or Tennyson while you’re with me.” I want to add, even when you’re not.

“No, I know. But I’m a hands on mom, and I won’t stop that.”

“I understand.”

I like that about her. A lot of the women I come into contact with wouldn’t think twice about it.

We continue through the estate, and I show Clementine the private kitchen where we’ll make our food if we want to eat. There’s a main kitchen near the back of the house where the chef prepares our meals, but this kitchen is if we want a snack, or something different.

I let her know the details of the house, when meals are served, when the maids clean which areas, and when the groundskeepers work on which area of the lawn. There’s a schedule, and nothing has really changed since I was a kid.

“Should I be taking notes?” she asks, on the elevator ride back up to the third floor.

I smile. “Only if you want to. Like I said, Amy runs the house. If you want to change something up, or know anything, you ask her.”

“Amy, right. Ok.”

“You’ll get used to it, promise.” I didn’t even think about how life-changing this must be for her.

“Is Ronin on the property?” she asks as we exit the elevator and make our way to my master suite.

“He left early this morning. He has business to attend to.”

It kind of makes me a bit irate she’s asking about him at all. I understand they’re friends, but friends don’t kiss. And I still have no idea whether she liked it, or wants to do it again.

I promised myself I would make her want it. Gain that power. But, now it makes me want to come on stronger, which means we need to plan this wedding quick, so we can get divorced even quicker.

I open the double doors and she steps inside, eyeing the neutral decor and chandelier hanging from the tray ceiling with wonder.

“This is the suite where I’ll be staying,” I tell her.

“I won’t be staying with you.” She moves across the dark hardwoods, taking in the fireplace across from the bed, gravitating toward the large floor-to-ceiling window that overlooks the back of the estate. “Wow, that view.”

“Yeah, it’s phenomenal.” And I don’t mean the valley and greenery nestled between the mountains she’s admiring. The backside of her is as appealing as the front. My eyes travel down her auburn hair that hits just below her shoulder blades, to the jeans she’s wearing that hug the swell of her ass.

“That’s why I chose this room. The land around here is too pretty not to wake up to it every morning.”

She turns to me and touches her hand to her neck, accenting the graceful lines. “So, we’ll be sharing that?”

I look over at the bed with its custom built mattress, knowing exactly what she’s asking. “Is it not to your liking?”

“I just meant I didn’t know if you and I…” her words fall away from her.

“Clementine,” I say, ready to come clean with the fact we won’t be sharing a room, but once again, I don’t. “I mean, we will be married. I guess to keep up appearances we should sleep in the same bed. It would look unusual to everyone if we slept in different quarters, don’t you think?”

She reaches out to trail her hand across the cream-colored comforter, and her amber eyes hit me square in the gut. “Can’t you tell them I snore?”

“Do you?”

“No,” she says.

“I mean, this bed is huge. I’m sure you can stay on your side.”