The party is a lot more subdued when we return, but after a while, some of the levity returns. Zara gets a huge chunk of cake and a piece of Davis’s apple pie, eating them both with a content smile on her face.
The eight of us sit around the long table littered with half-finished drinks and plates with remnants of cake.
“Do you want to tell us about the whole sister thing?” Miri cringes as she asks her question, looking between Ruby and Zara. Everyone was doing a good job of skirting around the subject, but it’s clear they’ve been waiting to ask.
Ruby and Zara hold a stare and then Ruby nods. She tells us about the conversation they had with Birdie and how they came to the conclusion that they’re sisters.
“Is there a potion or something that you could make that could confirm that?” Ezra looks down the table at Miri who frowns.
“Ah, there’s a DNA test. They could probably get that done, if need be, but I have no idea if there’s a magical equivalent.” Miri shoots an apologetic look at Ruby and Zara.
“It doesn’t matter,” they both say at the same time, smiling at each other. Zara nods when Ruby continues. “I know it’s the truth. I can feel it.” She rubs her chest.
“Not that I don’t trust your gut feelings,” Ezra says, emphasizing the words a little too heavily, “but wouldn’t it be best to know for sure?”
Ruby looks like she’s considering smashing her beer bottle to make a weapon, but it’s the irritated sound Zara makes that has my attention. She’s sitting next to me, our bodies pressing together. Her hand lands on my thigh, her fingers squeezing the muscle. I don’t think she even realizes she’s doing it.
“That’s what my magic is. I know things.”
That gets everyone’s attention, even Ruby’s. “Wait, like you could guess lotto numbers?”
“What’s a lotto?”
“It’s not important,” Davis growls. “What do you mean, you know things?”
“I get a feeling when something bad is coming. Almost a general sense of knowing things.”
Ezra rears back as if he’s now afraid of the woman.
“And you know that Ruby’s your sister?” Lena asks.
“I know she’s family. That we’re connected. It’s not as specific as sister, but does it matter?”
“Not even a little.” Archer smiles at her, and she returns it with a tentative one of her own. It doesn’t last though. Soon enough, she’s chewing on her lip and her fingers are digging into my leg again. I peel them off my leg and hold her hand under the table instead.
“There’s something else.” Zara’s shoulders stiffen. She doesn’t look at anyone directly, her gaze locked on a spot on the wall. “Two of those men that came in before are Fae.”
A chorus of yeah, we know and yeps sound off around the table.
Zara nods, exhaling as though she’s relieved. “I recognized one of them. Colton. He’s from the Summer Court, where I came from.”
“What? When was the last time you saw him?”
“He’s been gone for a few years. The Queen has been trying to find a way to drag down the veil for years.”
“I thought she had the ability to lower the veil? Didn’t she send sentinels through all those years ago?” Lena asks, obviously upset that she might not have the correct information.
Zara and I talked about this the night before the Beltane festival, but I never mentioned anything to Lena or anyone else. What was the point? Zara didn’t know for sure what had happened in the past.
“The Queen doesn’t have that power on her own. Maybe the Queen did all those many years ago when she sent the sentinels through the veil, but this is a different Queen, several times over.”
Surprise flashes around the table. I guess we all thought of the Fae as some kind of immortal beings that lived forever. We assumed the Queen of the old stories is the same Queen today. Obviously, that’s not true.
“This Queen has no love for humans. She’s been sending Fae through the veil for years. The rumors are that she’s hoping with enough Fae on this side that they’ll be able to pull down the veil between our two worlds.”
“Is that why Anthony is so desperate to get back?” Miri frowns, her forehead crinkling in contemplation.