“It wasn’t the magic, but it’s hard to let go of something that I’ve believed for years. I’ve stayed away from anything to do with magic my entire life. I left Lena to read her books and pretended that power didn't exist. Long story short, I wouldn’t even begin to know how to use magic.”

I’ve heard bits and pieces from several of them about their past and I’ve gathered that they’ve not had easy lives. “It’s funny. Well, not really funny, interesting maybe? Growing up, I always thought my life would have been so much better if I were in my rightful home.” I shrug. “But there’s no way of knowing. I think we’ve all suffered pains no one should have to go through, regardless of which side of the veil we were on.”

I tip my head back and look up at the night sky. The clouds are few and scattered and the stars are so bright it takes my breath away.

“The sky is different here. Clearer. So beautiful. Fairy is a dangerous but beautiful place, but there is something so breathtaking about this night sky.” I trail off, not even sure where my thoughts are meandering. The ghost of fingers brushing over my cheek has me lowering my head to look at Rhys. His eyes are on me, but his hands are too far away to have touched me.

“You should try to use your magic. Not all Fae are evil creatures like the High Fae.”

“What makes the High Fae different?”

Memories of what I’ve seen over the years at the Duke’s manor rush through my mind. They’re things I’d prefer not to think of again, but Rhys deserves an explanation.

“I don’t know how old the current Queen is. She was Queen well before I was born, but she looks the same now as she did when I was a child. Most Fae age and grow old like humans. They’re not immortal, everlasting beings. That includes the High Fae. Something changed over the last century, if rumors are to be believed. The High Fae stopped aging. They started using magic that wasn’t common for their courts. The Summer Court, for instance, is known for enchantment magic and in the past, any seer of real power was from this court. Now there are Summer Fae who wield shadows and control the elements. It’s unnatural and their magic isn’t stable. It also means that their natural magic is weaker. A consequence of playing with powers they aren’t meant to have. Perhaps.” I shrug because I don’t really know. Most of what I learned was because of overheard conversations when the High Fae didn’t bother to worry about the drudge in the room.

“How are they gaining these new powers? And not aging? Fuck, that’s concerning.” Rhys frowns.

“I don’t know.” I shake my head. That was something I never discovered. Not that I was looking hard for answers.

Where would I even begin with my magic?”

Taking a moment to consider, I pick up the flattened label from his drink. “Your magic is enchantment. You have the ability to change an object's appearance.”

“Do I need a magic potion or something?”

“No, that’s Miri’s strength. You don’t need a concoction for this. It’s an innate ability within you. Take this paper. You should be able to change its appearance. Like the color. The label is blue, so try a simple change, a color close to the original. Perhaps purple.”

“And how exactly do I do that?” Rhys raises a brow, looking amused at my declaration that he simply do it.

I shift my chair closer to him, wincing at the scrape of the metal on stone. “You hold it in your hand.”

Rhys holds out his hand expectantly and it does all kinds of things to my insides. His trust in me is a gift, and I savor it for just a moment before placing the paper in his hand. I don’t take mine away though, leaving it on top of his, the label trapped between us.

“With enchantment, the magic follows your will. If you want this label to turn a different color, you have to see it in your mind. Imagine it to be the truth and it will become a reality.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“That sounds way too simple.” Rhys’s fingers curl around the sides of my palm, truly trapping my hand. Not that I want to pull away.

“For something like this, perhaps. This is very minor. If you were changing someone’s appearance, or hiding a treasure in plain sight, then that would take a fair amount of work. It also takes a lot more magic to make the glamor remain, even when you aren’t thinking about it. But for now, let’s try this out and see if it is as simple as you think.”

Rhys nods, inhaling before his gaze drags down to our hands. He shifts in his seat, then cocks his head to one side, then the other. He blinks a few times and inhales another, noisier breath.

“Don’t smile at me,” he grunts, eyes still on the label.

“I’m not. And you aren’t even looking at me.”

“I can sense it,” he huffs and I squeeze his hand.

“Just concentrate on the label.”

“It’s like the second I try to only think about that, a million other thoughts crash into my head.”

“That’s the challenge. Clear your thoughts. Focus on your breathing if that helps. Something to center your attention.”

Rhys closes his eyes and I remain quiet while all he does is breathe for a few minutes. I feel the moment his magic starts working, the power tingling in his fingertips and sparking between our skin.