Ihaven’t seen Zara since the night of her birthday party. When I nearly fucked her on my couch, and Colton-smarmy-faced-Zima scared the shit out of her. It’s only been a few days, but it feels like an eternity. I’ve found myself walking toward Ruby’s house more than a few times since Saturday, only stopping when it occurs to me that I have no good reason to see her. Not that I technically need one, but Zara’s different. I don’t want to spook her or come on too strong. Although she surprised me when we were up in my apartment. She might seem shy and fragile, but when it was just the two of us, she was unleashed and assertive. Hell, if I didn't like that a whole damn lot.
Tonight, we’re having a movie night at Ezra’s house. Ruby declared one of the experiences we need to give Zara is to watch all the movies she missed. Since Wednesday nights are clear for all of us, it’s been selected as our weekly movie night.
Ezra lives less than ten minutes from Aspen Street, the central hub of Wild Haven Island. His house sits on the edge of the woods, where it meets the beach. It’s a decent sized bungalow with a private dock and walkway that leads down to the ocean from his back deck.
If the ATVs and motorcycle are anything to go off of, I’m the last one to arrive. Usually that’s Davis, but I know I spent too much time tripping over my thoughts about what would happen when I see Zara tonight that I lost track of time.
Everyone is gathered on Ezra’s patio that runs the length of the house. There’s a built-in firepit and outdoor couches and chairs that surround it for seating. A white sheet has been rigged up on the side of the house and a projector sits on a table. Ezra has some fancy outdoor speaker system already set up.
“Finally! I was about to send out a search party,” Ruby says as she dumps out a batch of popcorn from an antique-looking machine on wheels. Did Ezra buy that just for this?
I look down at my watch and then back up at Ruby. “I’m three minutes late.”
“Well, you’re usually ten minutes early, so in Rhys time, that’s practically a no-show.” Lena tips her head back from where she’s sitting on the couch and grins at me.
Archer’s sitting next to her, his arm thrown over her shoulder. Maybe it’s the repeated exposure, but it’s not bothering me as much anymore. I know Archer’s a good person, but no one is good enough for my sister. He’ll do I suppose.
I search the deck for Zara, frowning when I don’t immediately spot her. One of the glass doors slides open and Miri and Zara come outside, looking like they’re in the middle of a conversation. Zara’s wearing a pair of black jeans and a Leonardo DiCaprio shirt from the Titanic era. Another Ruby special. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what she wears because she always looks beautiful.
Since she’s moved in with Ruby, her face has filled out a little, not looking quite so drawn, and there’s color in her cheeks. Her long golden hair shines and there’s a smile on her face. Her shoulders are relaxed and comfortable, which might be the biggest achievement of all.
“What are we watching tonight?” Archer asks.
“You’ll see,” Ezra says where he’s hooking up his phone to the projector, and everyone groans.
“What? In like five minutes? Just tell me now.”
“Before this devolves into some weird argument, Zara and I want to test your magic, Rhys. Are you game?” Miri looks over at me. I’d mentioned to Zara that I didn’t know what my abilities were, and I guess it’s time to rectify that. Still, uncertainty and an in-grown fear ramp up my nerves.
“Might as well.” I head for Zara, only stopping when I’m close enough to get a hit of her floral and spicy scent. Fuck, it makes my mouth water. She smiles up at me, an uncertain and tentative gesture.
“Hi.” I grin down at her, hiding away any worry about magic tests.
“Hi,” she murmurs but the sound of her voice grabs hold and twists my insides up.
“Ezra, you sure you don’t want to join us?” Miri asks, and it sounds like it’s not the first time.
“Positive. Go do your thing. I’ll keep getting things set up.”
“You already plugged your phone in. What else do you have to set up?” Ruby snickers at him.
“I’ll take over the popcorn so you can go hold your sister’s hand.” Ezra glares back at her. For once, he doesn’t sound playful, more irritated than anything.
Ruby looks like she’s going to say something, but she holds back. Which might be the first time ever that she hasn’t blurted something out the moment it fell into her thoughts. The two of them stare at each long enough that tension starts to build in the air around us.
“Fine, don’t burn it.” Ruby finally breaks the silence and heads toward me, Zara, and Miri.
“I want to come too.” Lena jumps off the couch and follows us into the house. Miri heads straight through the living room and into the open kitchen. There are two small glass jars, the kind that usually hold jelly or preserves of some kind, sitting on the top of Ezra’s kitchen island. Inside is a murky brown concoction that looks like runny mud. I really hope we don’t have to drink that shit.
Miri hands us each a baggy. Inside is a thick pin. “You’ll need to prick your fingers. The potion requires a drop of blood.”
Zara makes a face at that. “You’ll be destroying this potion afterward, yes?”
Miri’s brows drawn down in confusion. “I wasn’t really planning on keeping it in my curio cabinet. Why?”
Zara matches Miri with her own confused face. “Blood is a powerful tool in magic. Even a drop could be dangerous in the wrong hands.”