Indira gives Emily a small smile and reaches out to squeeze her hand.

“That’s what best friends are for,” I say. “I totally get it. But I haven’t seen much of Gamble Springs yet. I wasn’t really sure how long I’d be staying before I got settled in here. Well, I’m still not completely sure, to be honest. I don’t have any firm plans either way.” I tap Emily’s elbow with mine. “I guess I’ll be needing that doctor recommendation after all.”

She nods eagerly. “Dr. Hulbrooke. He’s amazing. There’s a new female doctor, if you don’t want to see a man. I haven’t met her, but I’ve heard great things. There’s one other doctor there too, but Dr. Hulbrooke has practically delivered half the town over the past thirty-something years.”

“I’ll give him a call this week.”

“How far along are you?” Indira asks. “I mean, I guess just a few months, right?”

“Yeah. Almost thirteen weeks now.”

“Wow, how exciting!” By the way her eyes sparkle, I’d say her excitement is authentic. “So what about your life back home? Have you told your family about the baby?”

I’m momentarily speechless. As silly as it might be, I don’t want to come across as a loser to these women.

Emily swats the air, looking pointedly at her while she speaks to me. “You don’t have to answer that, Addison.”

“No, it’s okay,” I say, finally finding my voice. “Um, I don’t have a lot of family. My mom passed away when I was young, and my dad... well, let’s just say he’s very career focused, so a baby isn’t exactly something at the top of his radar right now.”

Emily gives me a small smile and changes the subject. “Indira, how’s work?” She turns to me. “Indira manages The Blue Rooster.”

I nod, not wanting to make her feel silly by telling her I already know that.

“Well, we’re short-staffed, so I’ve practically been living there.” Indira lowers her voice conspiratorially. “Okay, don’t tell anyone, but I’ve actually been living there. I put a cot in the office and everything.” She grabs my arm and gasps. “Hey, want a job?” She raises her hands together and pleads with pouty lips and puppy dog eyes.

I shake my head and laugh. “I’m not quite ready for a job, I don’t think. I still have so much to deal with and figure out. Plus, I know I’m not ready to face the gossip mill. How bad has it been?”

A grimace flashes across her face for just a moment, then she wipes it clean of expression. “There’s been talk. Rumors. Janice walked in on a couple of old biddies talking about... this whole thing, and she basically told everyone in the place to mind their business or get out.”

Emily laughs loudly beside me, seemingly unbothered, but I can only muster a shaky smile. “I feel so bad for causing you to be the butt of the rumor mill,” I say. “Chase made choices that brought him here, just like I did, but you’re a bystander in all this. You don’t deserve to be talked about.”

“Oh, Addison, I grew up here. I’m used to it. This is just what they do. It’s kind of nice to not just be the cancer girl anymore. Now, my life sounds so exciting!” She laughs again, and she really does seem to find this to be the most hilarious situation. Even her eyes are twinkling. “They’ll move on before you know it. It doesn’t take long for the next big thing to catch their attention. Plus, just wait until that baby is born. This town loves babies. You’ll be fighting those old women off.”

“That’s true,” Indira agrees. “But if you end up deciding you’d like to try your hand at latte art, give me a call. If I can hire someone new, maybe I can start sleeping at my own place again.”

“I’ll do that,” I tell her before taking a sip of my peppermint tea.

“You won’t, but that’s okay,” she says. “I’m sure the job would bore you to tears, anyway. What did you do in LA? Something glamorous? Ohh, do you know any celebrities?”

“I’ve met a few. My best friend runs in that circle, but it’s not really for me. I was a lawyer, so—pretty boring.”

“I bet you made the big bucks, then, if you can afford to move here and not work for a while.”

“Indira!” Emily chastises with a chuckle. “I can’t believe you.”

“What?” she exclaims, then she turns to me. “I’m sorry if that was too personal. If I ever overstep, just let me know. I guess I can be a little nosy, but I don’t mean any harm.”

I grin, not at all put off by her questions. I like Indira; she reminds me a lot of Olivia. I think those two would really hit it off. I need to give her a call and beg her to come visit. “You’re fine. If we’re going to be friends, I don’t want you to feel like you have to hold back with me. But, yes, I did make good money. Mostly, though, my father makes good money. I’m a trust fund kid and was already working by the time I got it, so I was able to put all of that into a savings account rather than use it. It’s plenty.”

Indira whistles. “Wow, that’s neat. Don’t worry, I’m not at all jealous.”

Emily snorts in laughter and shakes her head at her friend, and I can’t even help the smile that splits my face. This is nice. This sense of comradery and friendship wasn’t what I was expecting from my first day in the house, and it fills my heart with so much happiness that I think I might burst.

“So what did your work think about you moving here suddenly?” Indira asks.

“Uh, well, that’s complicated. Let’s just say my dad was my boss, he’s an asshole, and I quit before I even met Chase.” I shrug and Indira nods, eyeing me like I’m a drama-filled soap opera she’s watching on TV. “But I also worked at a children’s dance studio. I had decided to leave law behind and open my own studio back in LA. The logistics were tough to maneuver, though. I couldn’t find a good space that was in an area families would frequent while also not being too close to another studio. LA is full of them.”

“Oh, that’s fun!” Emily perks up, straightening in her chair. “I knew you danced yourself, but I didn’t know you were still involved in it. Do you teach ballet?”

“A little bit of everything really. Ballet, hip hop, jazz.”

“We had a dance studio in Gamble,” Indira starts, looking at Emily and then back to me, “but it closed down a few years ago. The owner, Miss Patsy, got too old to keep it running.” She stops talking and cocks her head, staring hard at me in thought. “Actually, I think the building is still for sale.”

“Huh,” I say, considering her words. A small spark lights inside me. I’ve pushed the dream aside for the time being, but if an opportunity presents itself to me, I’d be stupid not to at least consider it.

“Wow,” Emily breathes out. Her eyes are glassy, and she reaches out to grab my hand. “It’s like it’s meant to be.”