Her jaw dropped further than Mia’s behind her. “How the hell is that better?” she crossed her arms to wait for my response, and I took a deep breath.

“Look, he’s been in the closet for years. He’s finally out, he’s going to experiment. Tanner’s our neighbor so we can keep an eye on them no matter whose house they’re at, and being open enough to give him condoms means he’ll probably tell me when he does start messing around instead of hiding it. And I of all people should know ... you need to instill the importance of condoms early or it just won’t take,” I explained, proud of myself for that — but when Dinora went off again, I grinned like an asshole and tried to skirt around her. “Sorry, gotta go flip burgers, bye!”

I heard her and Mia argue about it for a second in Spanish, but I could tell my logic was winning. Was it my place? Probably not, but I’d known they would agree once they heard my side.

A few moments later, I felt Mia’s arms wrap around my torso from behind. “You’re in trouble now, Papí.” Her voice was playful though, sending an easy smile across my lips.

“Are you sure? That doesn’t sound like me,” I teased. “I’m a good boy.”

“No, you aren’t,” she laughed, turning me around so she could look into my eyes. “But I’m still gonna marry you.”

“You better, I just gave Jago all my condoms.” I kissed her before she could yell at me and smiled against her lips, then tipped our foreheads together. “You make my huevos happy.”

“You make all of me happy, so good. I’ll keep them happy as long as I can.”

I could feel how much she meant it and knew things in my life were finally right. I might not have been able to reconcile with Angel or sell enough houses to get another jet, but neither of those things mattered anymore. I had a family of my own, a future I was looking forward to, and very happy huevos.

What could be better than that?