Me: Only you, Sir. What you’ve done to me ... what you’ll do. I’m fucking dying for it.

I slipped my fingers inside my jeans to press my clit, teasing myself just enough to make me gasp and thrust for more.

Me: Sir. I need you.

Sterling: Not as badly as I need you. Go on, Miss Bryce. Lose yourself to it. Make my girl feel good since I’m not there to do it myself. You’ll know when to stop.

I unbuttoned my jeans for a better angle, moaning out loud when my fingers rolled around that swollen bud. It didn’t take me long for my legs to start shaking, for my back to start arching, and my mind to teeter back and forth between giving myself release and being his good girl. Just once, unless he’s watching, how would he know? But something told me he would absolutely know, and there was no world in which I could lie to him.

“Sterling,” I moaned out loud, unable to stop it from spilling from my lips. I rubbed faster, lifting my hips and slipping my other hand up under my shirt to tease myself. I was so close, so ready to just let go, and so wet that I truly wasn’t sure if he would notice a difference.

I was this close to giving in when I heard his voice as clear as if he were standing next to me. “Stop, Zeppelin. It’s mine.”

I jumped with a gasp, staring at the ceiling with wide, wild eyes as I struggled to catch my breath. “Yes, Sir,” I managed to whisper, body trembling with the urge to come but he was right, it was his, and I was entirely too fucking close to forgetting that. “Yes, Sir,” I repeated more confidently. “Yours, only yours.”

“Good girl. Are you tired? If you’re not, button your jeans, get in your car, and come here now. We only have a half an hour before we’re supposed to switch anyway.”

That fucking nanny cam. The ficus was talking to me, only it wasn’t the ficus, it was Sterling, and he needed me. I buttoned my jeans as an answer and sat up, sucking my fingers into my mouth right where he could see. “Should I clean up, Sir? Or do you want me in my soaking panties?”

“If you’d be more comfortable cleaning, do it. Otherwise ... I want you just like that.”

With a nod, I got up from the couch and grabbed my keys. Carl rushed over nervously to block my way and I had to take a few moments to assure him Sterling would be back soon. “We aren’t going anywhere okay, boy? We just have to stay with Charlie so he doesn’t get lonely either.”

After a kiss to his head I rushed over to my forgotten Bug and hopped in, blasting my music as a distraction from hormones, but the second I parked at the hospital and remembered Sterling was in there waiting on me all progress was lost once again. What was he going to do to me in there? Everything ... nothing? I couldn’t wait to find out.

“Hello, Sir,” I purred, wrapping my arms around his torso from behind and inhaling his scent.

He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed my palm, then muttered, “Go back the way you came. Take the first left, then the first right, then go in the second door. Take just your jeans off and wait for me there.”

Part of me needed exactly that, but another, more dominant part of me needed to see how serious he was. “And what happens if my jeans are still on, Sir?”

I couldn’t see his expression, but I felt the way his body tensed. “I’d punish you, which might be hard given where we are, but I can be very creative.”

I hummed, my hand sliding down to his lower belly and toying with his waistband. “Creative, hmm? Intriguing.”

My hand slid inside his pants, ghosting along the hairs just above his cock before he snapped his fingers to stop me dead. I froze. How could a simple snap sound so fucking dominant? So fucking powerful and hot. What was this man doing to me? “Left, right, second door. Got it, Sir.”


As hard as it was, I pulled myself away and followed directions, my heart pounding in my chest when people glanced my way. No one knew, yet it felt like everyone knew, and something about that had me even wetter. Once I had my jeans neatly folded on the bed behind me, I stood there chewing my thumb nail, waiting for my man to come take me apart right there in that empty room.

He kept me waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

I waited so long I nearly left the room, but one glance at the clock on the wall told me I couldn’t have been in there for more than two minutes. It just felt like an eternity.

When he finally opened the door and stepped in, I dropped down to my knees just to know how it would feel, and I loved it more than I expected to. “Hello, Sir.”

“Hello, sweetheart.” He ran a hand through my hair, drifting downward until he was leaning slightly over me and tugging my hair back kind of hard. “I’m proud of you. You listened to me when I snapped, that’s good. Do you want to know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t?”

I nodded quickly, my tongue darting over my lips as I became overwhelmingly famished for him. “Yes. Please, tell me.”

“Feel this?” He tightened his grip in my hair, pulling just enough to make me wetter than I already was. “I’d have waited until we were alone and then led you to this room just like this if you didn’t want to walk on your own. I’d have ordered you to lay on that bed, spread your legs, and stay perfectly still as I stroked myself and came all over your bratty little body. And this time, it would’ve been you walking away shaking with need instead of me.”

“Fuck,” I whispered, nearly begging him to do exactly that. “Sir, can we ... that sounds so fucking hot.” I was already shaking with need, already dying for him to use me however he pleased.