I gasped, stepping back as quickly as possible and running to my bedroom. Holy fuck ... I’m fucked.


THE NEXT MORNING, Irushed out of the house before Sterling could catch me. I didn’t know what the hell I was going to say to him, so I figured running errands until the end of time was a good idea.

I got myself a coffee, perused a local bookstore until noon, stuffed my face with Taco Bell, then finally went to the grocery store to fill up our kitchen.

“Zeppelin?” a familiar voice called from behind me, and I couldn’t help but blush when I turned to see Caffrey.

“Caff.” I pulled him in for a quick hug and cleared my throat. “How have you been?”

“Good,” he started. “Busy, but good. I’m surprised to see you here, actually. Must’ve gotten that job you applied for?”

“I did. I’m a caretaker now, and honestly, it’s the best job I’ve had. Sorry about that day, though. I never meant to ... y’know. You’re a really good man. Should have screwed your brains out but ... hindsight.”

“You had to say it, didn’t you?” he laughed. “Now it’s going to sound creepy when I ask you on a proper date.”

I chuckled with him. “Sorry, I think we’ve established that I’m the creepy one in this relationship, huh?” I slugged his shoulder playfully, and then backtracked. “Wait, you would ask me on a date after all we’ve been through?”

“I thought you went back to whatever podunk, tiny town you said you’re from. In my world, second chances don’t happen. So yeah. I am asking you out. To dinner, though. No roofies or alcohol allowed.”

Shit. I can’t go on a date with him. I can’t. Sterling.

Oh, my little devil cut in, you mean the man who hasn’t made a legitimate move in two months? If he wanted you, he’d have had you by now. Date the other hot man in a suit who clearly isn’t afraid of his own feelings.

She wasn’t wrong and that only made me hate her more. But what about last night?

Sorry, did you come on his cock or in your panties standing outside his door like an asshole? He likes the attention, that’s it. Now fucking say something before Caffrey takes you to a psych unit.

Oh, shit. “Sure. I mean, yeah. That’d be really fucking nice. We should probably exchange numbers this time.”

“Here.” He pulled out a business card and handed it to me. “Cell’s on the front, just text me your address and I’ll pick you up Friday at eight. Sound good?”

“Formal,” I teased, hugging him again and kissing his cheek. “Sounds great to me. Oh, and Caffrey? Thanks for not thinking I’m crazy.”

“Who said I don’t?” He winked, then backpedaled toward aisle three and called over his shoulder, “See you Friday, weirdo!”

I rolled my eyes fondly and went back to grabbing my favorite cereals. I felt better than I had before because unfortunately, my devil was probably right. If Sterling wanted more, we would’ve already been more. He wasn’t the type of man to pass up on something he wanted and it was time I stop waiting around for that to change.

Sterling and I were better off as friends. For Charlie’s sake.