Chapter Forty-Two:

Say the Word

The next four weekswere incredible. I learned more than I thought I would in that STNA class, I aced both halves of the test with flying colors and received my certification, and got some even better news that I couldn’t wait to share.

Sterling had asked me to go pick Charlie up for dinner so I was sitting on that news, but the longer he took to get ready, the antsier I got. I wanted to blurt it out, hug him, and celebrate right there, but I held steady even as he seemed to be deliberately procrastinating.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how weird everyone was being. Ollie had called twice in the last few days to ask for food recommendations, Sterling had asked to use my phone to Google the details on the next chess tournament despite his own phone being right next to him, and now Charlie was changing his scarf for the fourth time.

I opened my mouth twice to ask what the fuck was going on, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Knowing the Bishops, whatever it was ... I probably didn’t want to know.

Forty-five minutes past when Sterling asked me to have Charlie home, we finally pulled back in the driveway. The street seemed eerily quiet which wouldn’t normally have thrown me off, but all the lights were out inside. We’re late, but what the fuck? Did he go to bed already? Did we miss a rapture or something?

“Zeppelin?” Charlie called, snapping me out of it.

“Why is it so dark in there?” I asked, frowning up at the house with my mind racing a million miles a minute. “What is going on? You three are freaking me out.”

“Just go open the door. Trust me.” His eyes danced as he stepped back, and I narrowed mine as I turned to do as told.

The door creaked open, revealing a dark and silent house. All I could hear were the distant whimpers of Carl from another room, and when the light flicked on and everyone yelled, I kicked off my Croc and flung it at the nearest head. Luckily for us, it was just Ollie’s. “Christ on a fucking bike, guys!”

“Don’t hurt his face, what the fuck is wrong with you!” Kylie yelled, which only made Ollie laugh harder.

“Well, you weren’t kidding,” he laughed, picking up my shoe and handing it back to me. “These really are weapons.”

Sterling rubbed his jaw and coughed quietly, giving me a chance to look around. It wasn’t just the Bishops and Kylie — Jake was there too and so was Kapri. They were standing in front of the fireplace with a huge “Congratulations!” banner up behind them, which Sterling pointed to. “Surprise.”

The smile that spread across my face was so wide my cheeks hurt and I jumped into his arms for a kiss. “Thank you. This is the best surprise ever.”

“Is it? You threw a rainbow projectile at my brother’s head,” he teased. “Remind me to warn you before I propose.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. “It isn’t a small target,” I joked, ignoring Ollie’s protest as I stole another kiss. “I love you. Do I smell pizza?”

“Pizza and cereal and cheese fries and chocolate milkshakes, and I promise I won’t judge you when you dip said fries in said shakes. This is your day, sweetheart. And I’m proud of you.”

My man knew me so well, and after a tight hug I put my legs back on the ground and went to hug all my friends. “Thank you for coming. I seriously had no fucking clue this was happening.” Just as I was letting go of Kapri, I saw the corner of a bookshelf I’d never seen before peeking from the foyer. “What’s in there?”

“Leave it to Led to ruin the surprise within the surprise,” Ollie said. “Guess I need to bulk up a little more, I wasn’t wide enough to hide it.”

Sterling stepped forward and gestured for me to go look. “I’ve been building this collection for a while. I wasn’t sure which records you loved when you were a kid, so I just started buying them all.”

“Oh, Sterling,” I whispered as I made my way over and took them all in. There had to be hundreds here, all from different eras and genres, and tears welled in my eyes when I spotted Live Bullet by Bob Seger. “It’s perfect. How the fuck am I supposed to keep up with this level of romance when you’re so perfect, Silver?”

He stepped in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m not perfect and I never will be. But you gave me back something I never thought I’d have again, so I reserve the right to spoil you when I see fit. Just remember this when I make you mad next time.”

“So tomorrow, probably?” I joked, reaching back to hold him close and soak in his love. “Is it weird the smell of records turns me on?”

“Yes. It’s one of many completely bizarre and inexplicable things about you, and I can’t fathom what makes me love you,” he said, kissing my neck until Ollie knocked on the wall.

“Really, guys? Really? Right now, here? Read the room.”

“It’s always Oliver. Was he a cockblock as a child too?” I pushed back against Sterling as discreetly as I could, but Charlie peeking his head around the corner had us both taking a step back.

“The p-pizza is getting cold. Shall we?”

Kylie raced over to steal me from Sterling, and my friends did a damned good job of holding my attention while we laughed and ate until I was full. But when the conversation finally started to die down, I knew it was time to share my news.

I stood awkwardly, the movement instantly drawing everyone’s eyes. “Okay, well first I want to say thanks again for coming to celebrate with us, but we actually have two things to celebrate tonight. I found a job, and it looks like Charlie’s threat paid off. I start on Monday.”