Chapter Forty-One:


Starting a new adventureshould’ve been scary, but after my grand rebirth in Brisley, I knew a few classes weren’t going to be a big deal. I had nothing to be afraid of — I was working toward something I loved with someone I loved by my side, and there was no way I would fail at it.

So no, I had nothing to be afraid of, no reason to fear ... but fear and nerves weren’t the same thing. Even though Sterling took the morning off to drive me to my first day of class, I could feel the lump in my throat that I was pretty sure was my stomach and the butterflies who were now roaming free in my midsection like bats outta hell. It had less to do with learning something new and more to do with meeting new people and getting used to a new routine, but the warmth of Sterling’s fingers laced in mine and the calm, soothing drone of his low voice as he sang to me helped more than I could say.

He spent a solid five minutes after we parked kissing me and reminding me that I could do anything. I was used to praise in the bedroom, even before him, but hearing those words when neither of us would be getting off or edging or teasing each other was a new experience for me. It made my chest swell. He didn’t want anything from me in return for that praise, and I swore it only made me love him more.

I rode that high, that belief that I was unstoppable all the way into the building. I didn’t let the fact that I got turned around twice and thoroughly lost once deter me — he’d gotten me there early enough that I still wasn’t late, and the security guard was nice enough to show me where to go.

The first couple hours of the actual class were informal. We introduced ourselves and shared any relevant experience we had, then went over what exactly being an STNA entailed as if someone stumbled in off the street and didn’t know. I had to fight a laugh when it seemed like one girl really hadn’t known what she was here for, but she seemed to get her shit together in time for us to learn how to properly wash our hands.

I’d always been good in school, so I fell into a rhythm with speed-reading through the sections we were supposed to look over and filling out the worksheets we’d been given. I’d nearly chewed the end of my pencil off by the time Miss Addon called my name, making me snap my head up so quickly it hurt my neck. Fuck, did she ask me something? “Yes?” I asked, hoping I sounded innocent.

“You have a delivery.”

I tilted my head in confusion. Who the hell — Sterling. He was the only one who knew I was here, and those butterflies returned in full force as I awkwardly stood up and she pointed to a bouquet of roses — rainbow roses. Obnoxious, huge, beautiful, rainbow roses. Every single person in that class was staring at me like I’d accidentally worn pajamas to the Oscars, but I still couldn’t wipe the ridiculous smile from my face.

There was a note sticking out from the center that read:

Saw those abominations you call shoes on the floor when I got home and figured you might need some color in your day.



PS – just wear the damn Crocs next time, Led. Own that shit. You rock!


PSS – Ignore him. He’s an idiot.

I read the note twice and chuckled out loud. I didn’t care if everyone was watching, I was fucking loved. I pulled out my phone quickly to text them both before returning to my seat.

Me: I love you. Thank you for being my color.

Me: I just might. You rock harder. Protect my Crocs from your brother.

Neither of them texted me back, but I knew they were busy trying to land new accounts, and truthfully, the fact that they’d thought of me at all was enough. Concentrating the rest of the class was a little harder since I couldn’t take my eyes off that bouquet, but I’d already taught myself most of what we were learning anyway. I tried to just smile and brush off the questions about who those flowers were from, but Kapri’s comment about everyone knowing the boys of Brisley made me curious enough to spill when one of my nicer classmates, Nora, asked for a third time.

“Sterling and Oliver Bishop,” I said, side-eyeing her. “Sterling’s my boyfriend.”

Her jaw dropped. “No, seriously. Who are they from?”

I pulled the card from my bag and handed it over. “We’ve been dating for a few months now. He’s talking about my rainbow Crocs and Ollie is just being ... Ollie.”

I watched her face as she read it, then smiled a little smugly.

“Holy shit. I didn’t think he’d ever settle down. Is he really as good as they say?”

Thankfully, Miss Addon announced that class was over before I had to confirm or deny anything, and I gathered all my things and held out my hand for the note back. No, he isn’t as good as they say ... he’s better. “See you guys. My ride is here.”

I took the note and carefully lifted the vase as she tried to peek out the window to see who was picking me up, and I couldn’t wipe the grin from my face as I walked out to find Ollie poking his head out of Sterling’s sunroof and my gorgeous man leaning against the passenger door.

“Two Bishops? How’d a girl get so lucky?” I kissed Sterling deeper than necessary, but I had to, thanks to our little audience. “Thank you for these. You spoil me.”

“Don’t let him fool you, he’s just terrified of Mr. Kojima,” Sterling quipped. “We’re dropping him back off at the office on the way home. He’s not invited to that party.”